Sunday, April 10, 2011

We were never meant to be, baby we just happened

Yeah, sorry about this, but it's important (impertinent?) that I blog this one last time. I finished reading the notebook today, and I freaking bawled my eyes out. In the movie I cry because they die together. But in the book it's different. You cry because their love is so strong. Strong enough to break the bands of Alzheimer's. It made me cry more when she would remember him that when she would forget him. Because her being able to remember is because of Noah's patience and the love they have together. I want need deserve that love. Everyone does. Maybe it's just the sleepy, romantic, childish person in me, but I believe in perfect matches. And I won't rest until I find that one. I won't give up hope or passion, love or laughter, smiles or tears. I won't give up.

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