Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Adri,

You should probably stop using the same password that you do for everything and have used since I first knew you. You're so predictable. But not in a bad way, sweetheart. I just wanted to get a hold of you, and you aren't easily reached anymore. You're never on facebook anymore, then I check your blog and see a million new posts per hour. It gave me the awesome idea to attempt to hack it. And I must say, those you know you will easily get in. I don't know if that's good or not, but anyway. I know you're going through a huge amount of 'drama' right now, but you'll get through it. And I guarantee that when you're in college it will go away. Remember my senior year? That was definitely hell, but when I got to the U, it all slowly went away. What I'm trying to say is that it's only a couple more months until you're free. Send me a graduation invite and I'll be the loudest person cheering, the person to hug you the most, and I'll take a picture with you and make it my profile pic. Just kidding ;) but seriously, I'll be there. I know you really loved him, Adri. You're trying to act nonchalant and like you didn't, but I know you. You exhibited all the Adri signs of love. The first one, you tried to hide it. You always flaunt your crushes, but you hide the boys you love. I don't know why you do it for sure, but I think it has something to do with how much you hate looking vulnerable. You don't want to appear like you need anyone, so you become this awful critic. You try to make it sound like you don't need anyone or anything. But you clearly do, and it's not always a bad thing. I think the definite, most clear, obvious sign is that you wore his stuff. You branded yourself with him. That's how I know you had it bad, you never wore the stuff I gave you. I'm not mad about it, well I guess you would wear my stuff sometimes, but never consistently. Never every day. Adriana, I'm sorry it didn't work with him. But who's to say it never will. Even if it doesn't there's somebody out there for you. You keep wearing his shirts to sleep and his watch everywhere, I don't blame you. I still wear the heart necklace you gave me. I don't think that qualifies as holding on the the past too much. It's like you said, "I've decided that love isn't about letting go, it's about hanging on the the memories of the person, but not to the person." You hold on, darling. Don't listen to anyone that says you weren't in love, because Dixon, Drake, and I knew you best. And we saw you. We saw you being in love. It's ok to cry. Don't let them tell you otherwise. You can call me, text me, message me, visit me. Anytime. I won't just leave you chillin by yourself in the rain. We can weather this storm together. I want you to know that I loved, and still do love you with all my heart, Adri. You're my one and only doodle bug and I hope I'm your only Terbear (Don't you dare refer to me as moon pie, it wasn't funny! That was my private personal letter...) I never told you, but with Zephryn, ok, "Zarahemla," I was just trying to replace you. I honestly did like her, and she was a great girl, but she wasn't you. That's why that relationship didn't last very long. She stalks you on facebook too, just to let you know. She thinks you're stunning, Adri. I do too. You get more beautiful by the day. Not to get all "motherly and cheesy" but I really have watched you grow into a young woman. You've done it with so much beauty and grace, I'm proud of you. Your Mother Trover is too. She misses you. I promise she would be one of the first people out in the car with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and a box of Kleenexs. Actually I take that back, she would be the second person, I would be the first. Add a guitar in the mix and a bag of hot cheetos and there you go. I love you Adri, more than I've loved anyone else in the entire world. To borrow some of your words, I love you more than every single star in the galaxy. I'll call you, sweetheart. That's a promise.
Love, Terbear

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