Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I just finished watching step mom and I couldn't stop crying. Mom, I just want to let you know that I love you. More than anyone else in this world. You're the one person that has always been there for no matter what and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you for everything that you do. For comforting me when I get sick (sorry it's been so much this year...) for always remembering the important details in my life, for sewing me the most gorgeous dress in the world, for all the panties you've bought me through the rough times, for all the girl talk we have. Thank you for wiping every single tear, I know there have been a lot in the last month, but I really do appreciate you always holding me while I cry about love and heartbreak. Thank you for staying up with me just because I feel lonely and for taking me out to lunch just because I need to be with somebody. You always know exactly when to hug me. And I know I roll my eyes every time somebody says I look like you, but secretly I don't mind if I look like you. Because you're gorgeous, mom. The most gorgeous woman that I know. I watch you go through so much, weathering the storms as best as you can, and I know sometimes you lose faith, but I know that you have the strength to carry on. And I'm sorry for all the times that I make you go through it all alone, but I promise that I'm going to be there for you from now on. When I was little and you would say that moms don't get sick and that you were too busy to get sick, I took that so literally. I thought that as soon as you were a mother, sickness was immediately gone. Now I'm not so dumb, now I see that you just become less selfish when you're a mom. You worry more about your kids than the sniffles and sneezes. Thank you for always worrying about me. You make me feel like I'm worth caring about and like I'm worth thinking about and worth being worried about. Mom, you're my best friend. The best one I've ever had and ever will have. As long as I have you, I don't need anybody else. I know it sounds silly to think about, but I can't wait for my wedding day, when you'll be there in that room with me, fluffing my dress, adjusting my veil, and fixing my hair, and telling me that I look pretty. I look forward to sharing that moment with you. It's a long ways away, but I just want you to know that nobody will take your place. Not on that day, not ever. I feel like sometimes you worry that if I marry Terance, I'll forget about you and ditch you for Tera. And Tera's great and all, but that could never happen. Nobody comes close to my mom. No one understands me as much as you do or loves me as much as you do. I could never replace you. You're the most amazing mom that I could possibly ask for, thank you for choosing me in the pre mortal life. Thank you for being my best friend. In complete honesty, I'm more afraid of having you die than of me dying. I can't imagine my life without you ever. I know we will be together forever though. I love you more than I could possibly express.
Love, Forever, Adriana xxxxx

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