Thursday, April 7, 2011

Save me from the nothing I've become.

I forgot to blog about one extremely momentous event yesterday :)) So there I was just drivin along and then our song came on the radio! Good old chicago :) So I had to hurry and call Terance so I could sing it to him :) sure enough he answered to me screaming 'you're the inspiration!!!' Immediately he became my background singer :) just like a good friend should :) so after the song was over we were just ahaha we're so amazing, but then DRAKE'S song came on! So Terance hurried and called him so we could shout about how it's too late to apologize ;) It doesn't sound that funny, but it was, soo, I guess you just had to be there ;)
Today was fabulous :) I had a client in cosmetology and she was an amazing experience :) she's the kind of lady that brings in a picture and is like, I wanna look like that :) So I made it happen :) and she seemed fairly pleased with the results :) she even tipped me :) what a fine lady :) I'm trying to convince Megan to come to prom with me even though I have a date already :) Please come with me, baby ;) and now that Kercee ditched her date you two can go together :)) 'Ohno! JayLynn fell in the bleach bowl! What a good coincidence because it will help to get the spray tan off her palms ;)' 'I love it when pretty girls read!' I was telling them about how I saw Destiny at the library and they seemed so confused that we would be there. 'Why were you guys there?...' '...We like to read...' :)
In seminary we reenacted liberty jail. Like they literally had taped of a section that was the right size, height and everything. I don't know how Joseph smith did it. It was a really good lesson, not quite as good as yesterday surprisingly, but it was still good. Thane gives the most amazing prayers :)) every time he prays I'm just like OMG!!! :) :) :) I adore him :)
Trevor apologized to me... again... yehh... apparently he gets his mission papers in june. I still don't think it's fair. And I don't know what to say to him. So I just haven't replied to him. Zak told me to just tell him exactly what I think, but last time I did that Christelle got involved. And I really don't want to hear from that whoreeee again. So for now I'll feign facebook absence.
During home release I took a nice bubbly bubble bath and read a good murder mystery :) there's nothing like that :) this rain is fabulous :) :) :) I love reading while it rains. Everything feels much cuddlier :) Rain is just completely romantic in my eyes :) it fills my head with thoughts :) If it doesn't rain on my wedding day, I'll flip a bitch ;)
I'm realizing so much :) I need to start a journal of just everything that I'm learning lately :) There are friends that bring you up and truly make you happy. That's the only kind that I have anymore <33 thank god for all of them.
I started coloring today :) just flippin through my pages and I found the best thing ever :) thank you to the anon that did it for me. It made me (and my mom) laugh so hard :)

[There's not much else I can do, but fall for you]

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