Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This world is mine for the taking, make me king.

I like today (What? You're gay?!) That's horrible (You like hairy balls?!) Shutup (you like it up the butt??)
Today has been great :) I was in the giggliest mood ever in cosmetology :) 'Megan, yesterday someone asked me if me and my girlfriend were sexually active. I told them yes. We're sexually active.' :) I asked everyone if they would come and visit me if I got put in a psych ward. They all said yes, except Megan. 'No! You cheated on me!' :)) So then Jessica said she must be the better girlfriend because she would come visit me ;) 'Wouldn't it be cool if you could shoot people with your feet??' I made top ten in cosmetology :) :) :) that means I can officially go to slcc! :) woo :) All of us girls are going to get matching best friend panties :))) I bought my ticket to Megan and Kercee's dance showcase :) I am SO excited to see them dance :) I WILL make them a poster :) Destiny knows all about Hek ;) I love Destiny 'I like country' 'That's way unexpected, Destiny...' 'You always say that!' 'You should get super short layers so you can poof your hair. Then you'll really look like you're from Jersey shore!' That made her pretty mad ;) I love her :))
The eminem phase continues!
Zak calls me 'We're going to go to lunch, you have thirty minutes to get ready.' Five minutes later he arrives. WOOF! And he's such a liar that he kept telling me that I looked beautiful ;) I looked like JIZZ! But we went to lunch with Zacho and it was fun :) Except when Zak told me that eminem was overrated. GET OUT. I can't believe you. FRIENDSHIP OVER!!! We got our prom pictures though :) :) :) they are so so so so cute :) :) :) But when I was with Zak I was texting Hek and he got JEALOUS :) it was the cutest thing ever! :) we thought we saw Eric and Robin, and we both just flipped our flip ;) Bahaha I love us :) upon closer inspection, it was an asian and some short white chick...
Tanning :) I'm getting hella dark :) I still keep getting told that :) and my hair looks super blonde and my teeth look so white :) perfection :)
I went to take a book back to the library and I saw slutSkye. 'Adri, how are you??' I'm GREAT!!! :) (blah blah useless chatter) 'And hey, how's Drake?!' Ehmagod, he's amazing! Didn't you hear?! Me and him have been together for almost eight months now! I see her stunned face, turn on my heel, and walk away with a strut in my step. I love telling her that, because that was always her biggest fear :) for Drake to fall for me :) little did she know... ;)

Success is my only mothaf*ckin option, failures not.

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