Sunday, April 24, 2011

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I find peace in solitude.

Cool story babe. Lets get sleazy.
So friday night me and Katie had a sleepover :)) I missed the guts out of her! It had seriously been so freaking long! We didn't do much, but I just wanted to see her :) we started out by watching 8 Mile. And ohmy, I'm so in love with eminem that it isn't even funny. SO in love with him. He's hella gorgeous :)))
How could six dicks be such a big pussy? :))
But so then we watched this movie session nine and it was the most confusing scary movie ever. We were all too dumb to understand it... DO IT GEORGE. Then we started to watch some trailer park movie, but we went and changed into pajamas instead :) and I am so proud of us! We stayed up past midnight ;) we haven't done that since about eight grade ;) And we just talked about everything :) mostly about what will happen after we graduate. I'm excited :) 'I just don't see any reason why me and Ryan would break up.' ..yeah, it sure can sneak up you, let me tell you. But so the next day we hella slept in and then we watched Ted Bundy. It sketched me out, not because it was scary, but because it seemed like it was his girlfriends fault that he turned out the way he did. And it makes me wonder if I've ever seriously screwed anyone over to the point where they're going to kill a million girls all over the country. I feel bad for Stephanie because she would have had to tell all those people that she dated Ted Bundy, and that would just be super embarrassing. Not embarrassing, but I can't think of a better word for it.
We eat the most nutritious lunches :) pizza rolls, taquitos, gogurt :)) awh yeah. But so then we super wanted to go hot tubbing (after we had seriously just spent ALL that time doing our hair and makeup and getting dressed) so we eventually ended up at Stephanie's house. She's pretty chill, but I don't think I could ever be close to her. She seemed like one of those girls that won't go out without makeup on, and that always bugs me. She seriously took off makeup just to put it back on. Inside I was screaming a little, because I was definitely ready to GO HOME. So after that I did. And I was deadddd tired. Me and Colton were going to hang out, but I was just too droopy and tired, so I ditched like a douche. I went to bed instead :)
Today was Alex's homecoming so I made damn sure that I looked amazing. Why? Because he used to be a complete ASS to me. So I wanted to be like look how awesome I look now after two years :) When I walked into the chapel I could definitely tell that he couldn't tell who I was until Ben came in too :) I could feeeeel him staring at me :) after his talk he was just like 'You grew up!' Yes I did :) and quite nicely too, didn't I ;) I got to see Pam nixon though :))) she was like my second mom when I was little! I was so sad when she moved away! She looks great :) and she just makes me smile a lot 'You must have boys knockin down your door!' :) You're so sweet :) I'm really thankful that she's in remission now :) The stake president found me :| I'm now speaking at seminary graduation :| damnit.
I can't believe school starts tomorrow :/ wooooof.
A year ago today was the first time we kissed. I remember. You had a rainbow on your face and I had a butterfly on mine. I remember exactly what I was wearing, even down to my wii boxers. I even remember exactly what you were wearing. You gave it to me for valentines day. It's so weird to think that it was a year ago. That we went through every season together. It's just weird. I hate the fact that I still keep finding stuff I made for you. Pictures I drew and letters I wrote. I hate the constant reminder that I'd fallen for you so deeply, and now I just have to throw all of the stuff away. Just throw it all away.

Does she get the same big rush when you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?

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