Thursday, April 28, 2011

And since birth I've been cursed with this curse just to curse.

That's my little buddy :) her name is Dina and today she was my client :) we had a lot of fun together :) we bonded over justin bieber and purple mustaches :)) her aunt brought her and her sister in today for the birthday package :) So I had the pleasure of doing her hair, nails, makeup, and toenails :) she knew exactly how she wanted her hair :) Curly (but not curly on top!!) and with her bangs braided back :) ohh and with purple in it :) I think she was pleased with the results and the purple extensions worked out pretty good too :) Her nails had to be pink. With white polka dots :) and her toenails had to match too! She wanted purple eyeshadow to match her hair :) she wanted her eyebrows done too, but her aunt said no ;) no joke, this girl is going to grow up to be such a diva :) I told her that boys are for losers, and that she deserves the best, so she needs to just wait for Justin Bieber :) Her aunt got a kick out of that one ;) We had a good time :)
Yesterday, Destiny had to wear a heart monitor because she has trouble breathing a lot. She still hasn't gotten the results yet, but we're anxiously waiting and hoping that they're good. I love Destiny a lot :) She's so good at nails, and she doesn't look like it, but she is one of the sweetest girls ever :) JayLynn was crying today and it was so sad :/ Her and Dalton got in a fight and she isn't sure if they are still together or not. I hated seeing her cry and watching her check her phone ever two minutes even though nothing was there :( I don't want her to have her heart broken. I know she thinks that they're meant to be together, and maybe they are, I don't know, but I do know that they were meant to be together for the time that they were. They needed each other for some reason, maybe we know it, maybe we don't. But they both had something that they needed to learn from each other, and maybe they've already learned everything that they have to. Maybe they haven't. It isn't for me to say. But I do know that what is meant to be will happen. We all just need to keep our chins up. We'll find them someday. The guy that completes our puzzle and makes our heart float. The guy that will never fully let us down. He may make us cry, he may make us scream, but in the end you'll know that you're better with him than without him. I hate those cheesy quotes about how the one that's worth your tears won't make you cry. Yes he will. I want him to make me cry at the alter on my wedding day. Tears of joy of finding my perfect love. And there will be tears of frustration and sadness, because anything worth anything is going to be HARD and there ARE going to be struggles. But it will be worth it in the end. It's kind of funny that I'm learning the most about love after losing love. For this knowledge that I'm gaining, the heartbreak is worth it.
Home release was busy! I had to go get my new contacts, finish my english homework, and go tanning for full time :))) it doesn't sound like much, but it was crazy :) I actually kind of like lord of the flies. The idea of it, not so much the book. Tanning was nice :) eminem for thirty minutes :) ahhh :) Then running :) it was happy and I got to cross a lot of stuff of my list on my wrist :)
Speaking of my wrist list, I was iChatting with Drake, and I was explaing my list to him. He thought 'Shave' was funny, so I explained to him that it meant to practice a shave, not to shave my legs or anything! 'I would shave you, Drake, but you can't grow a beard because you aren't a real man' He says something along the lines of stfu and made a sudden movement towards the camera 'Ehmagosh did I just duck away from a computer screen?? That's a sign of how abusive our relationship is, isn't it??' I love him :))

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