Sunday, April 3, 2011

Crayola skies for a thousand miles

'I promise, Adri. You changed my life. And you will always be remembered by me as the girl who inspired me to love.'
'I know you do, but you're stronger than you think. You don't need a guy to feel wanted and loved, tons of people love you. People depend on you, you brighten their days, and guys who can't see how amazing you are don't deserve you. But I promise that one day you'll find a guy who thinks that he doesn't deserve you and will treat you like you deserve. You just have to go through the bad to get the good. God can't openly play favorites.'
'Ha well if you think it can work, make it work but if you aren't totally in love with each other and you just wanna have fun, life is too short to waste on shitty relationships.'
'If you haven't found a happy ending yet it means nothing. It's not the end.'

'Stop being such a goddamn pussy. Stop saying no and start saying yes. Swear when you want to, kiss whoever, and fuck those who hate you. Wear what you want, say what you want, and say fuck it when everything falls apart. Have sex, get kissed, get dirty, get drunk, smoke pot, and smoke a little more. Fuck people, fuck the leader of the world, fuck your parents, fuck your teachers, fuck your siblings, fuck everyone. Because in no time you'll be old and wrinkly, with grandkids on the way, wishing you didn't give a shit when you were younger. So hold your head high and say I don't care, because what hurts other people the most is seeing you happy and not worrying about a thing.' That's the worst best advice I've ever gotten. It's the thought that counts though.
The best thing through all of this is how skinny I'm getting :) just in time for prom! I hope and pray that Zak can get the day off because I know I'll have an amazing time with him :)
I actually feel happy right now :) peaceful. Ready to let come what may. Ready to let go if I have to even if I don't want to. I don't blame you for the breakup in any way, but you did break my heart even more than he did to be completely honest. I know you didn't mean to, but it happened and it's ok. Because everything happens for a reason and I'm already starting to be grateful that it happened. I'm learning a lot. About life, about others, about love, and most of all about myself. Thank you. All of you. Even if we aren't, we'll be best friends forever.
I just need a few coloring books to get through all this. xxxxxxxx

I'll stop hurting once the pain goes away.

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