Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'll be one tough act to follow.

 So I went to this little best of efy thing today. And I could have killed a girl. I mothertrucking HATE beehives. Especially a foster one with ADD that can talk on and on about absolutely nothing! I couldn't stand her! I'm just trying to listen to the talks, and she's over there scribbling with her sharpie very noisily. And then she hangs on to me and I just want to punch her in her ugly horse mouth! And she had the AUDACITY to put her arm around me and say 'We've missed you in church, girlie. Where have you been?' Alright, I've had it. YOU ARE IN SIXTH GRADE! Don't try to 'fellowship' me, bitch! I am OLDER than you so stop using such a goddamn condescending voice! People do not like you, they won't, and you annoy me. SO GO AWAY! Woof she bugged me... especially when she eats with her ugly horse mouth open!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CORNDOG AS YOU POUND IT INTO OBLIVION!!!! Goddamn :| that girl strikes a nerve...
On the other, much more positive, sunny side up hand, the talks were pretty good :) And I got to see Torbear :) :) :) I miss him so much!!! I forgot what a stud he has become :) one day me and ben and tank are just going to have to go see him :) I told him to leave the door unlocked for us ;) this week I've had encounters with all the jensens :) it must be a sign!
I was telling Bishop that me and Colton are kind of having a thing again and he seemed pleased that I'm finally going back to the baseball team ;) he thinks colton is a pretty good guy :) me too :)
I've still gotta finish making those posters, go get them flowers, AND go tanning :)
Gonna see my girlfriend tonight :)) can't wait to see my girls dance :))
Zak's birthday tomorrow :)) that means I need to bake a giant cupcake! :))
Maybe I'll make a blog later about everything I learned today :) we'll seeeee

Aydree Lynne+Marshall Mathers :))

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