Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The tears of joy for all the pleasure in the uncertainty.

Ohhh home release :) my one true love :) I got me some pancakes and had a nice little chatsy chat with Drake :) He can definitely relate with me. Expect him and mike had been friends for longer and he had loved Skye with all his everything. And he's a hell of a lot stronger than me. Because him and Mike are still best friends. But Mike also dropped Skye the instant he saw Drake's heart break. So in some ways he understands, like the feeling of betrayal and heartbreak, but he doesn't understand why a best friend wouldn't stop at the first sight of even a single tear. 'Oh well though, right? What can ya do? Except for wake up every morning and smile for the coming day. To wake up knowing you're beautiful and that you'll find a better guy out there and that karma will kick the shit out of them. You've gotta keep believing. Keep trusting in life and especially trusting in love to bring to you what's meant to be. Sometimes you'll have to cry, sometimes you'll have to call a friend at two in the morning just so you don't feel lonely. Sometimes you'll even have to scream. But in the end, what you need to do is have faith in yourself and to be happy. What you need to do is screw them and love you. Stop saying you're being selfish, because that's them. You didn't break their heart, they broke yours. Yeah you left them, but at this point they didn't deserve you. You were too good for him, and for her too. Because you saw her sad and you weren't going to go after him, but she saw you completely broken and went after him anyways. I'm sorry, but that's not a true friend. THAT is the definition of a selfish bitch. But put all that aside. Let it all go. Dwelling on the problem is not the solution, finding a solution is what you need to do. Love them for putting you through hell, because of the shitty experience they forced you to have, you'll come out on the top. Stronger and more loving than all of them. And through all of it, you'll find out your true self, and you'll love the beautiful person that you are. It's hard, it's hell, and it feels like shit, but it isn't impossible. And I have faith in you.'
After Drake left I watched the notebook, because I'm obsessed with Rachel McAdams lately. And it really is different when you watch it with a broken heart. You see everything different. 'We were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't we?'
Zak called me and we talked for a while. He told me all about his life and I just have to laugh at him sometimes for being such a nerd :) 'Instead of going to prom, can we go to st. george instead?' I've got it! Let's go to prom then go to st. george!!! bahaha no :) but prom yes :)) please Zakary :) I'll give you a hundred million favors for it :) you make me smile so big all the time :) because you're purely honest. 'I'm sorry, that really sucks. I thought you two were good together. Not at first, but when we went on that date. Me and Sarah thought you guys would be together forever. You couldn't do anything without him.' If you're referring to him holding my drink at wendy's for me, it's because it was COLD!!! :) That really was an amazing night. It really makes me sad that me and him never went laser tagging again and had our names be Barney and Robin. And that he'll never see what I did to the castle. That bitchy blog post I did about him, I didn't mean it. None of it.

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