Monday, April 4, 2011

Of all the things I believed in, I just wanna get it over with.

It was one of those days that was pretty shitty, but I'm grateful for it. Because I have learned so much. Waiting for the bus I cried. And Kaitlin came and hugged me. We were never close, but she held me tight while my tears came spilling out. The old grumpy bus driver looked completely taken by surprise that I wasn't smiling this time when I said goodmorning. Even he seemed to really care. When I got off the bus he winked at me and told me to have a good day. I've always really liked him. Sarah held me and listen to me cry. And he was there for me too. He always was and always will be. He's my honest to god true best friend. If nothing else, him being back is the blessing in this. 
My cosmetology girls held me tight. Even Cindy. They all made me feel like I was stupid for even wasting my tears on him. Because it was just Eric. And they didn't like the way he was with me. Especially not in the ending. They helped me feel happy this morning when I thought all was lost. I love them all so fucking much <33
In seminary I just talked to brother sullivan about it. He made me feel so much better about everything. He let me know that I have made a difference this year in the seminary, even if it doesn't feel like it. He told me that a lot of people were touched with my lunchside talk. I completely forgot that he used to be a marriage councilor... no wonder it sounded so professional. Him and brother udy gave me a blessing. It was completely amazing. It said I'd find a worthy boy who would take my hand and take me to the temple. It's gonna be awesome :)
Last night i called taya at like one or two in the morning. She answered. She's the best sister in the entire world ever.
In English I colored on Nik's paper for him :) it was so cute :) 'Look it's nik less than threee! You're like an eleven year old girl on myspace:)' He's a really good friend. He acts like he isn't and like he's all tough, but in all honesty he has a lot of compassion. 'Why do you care about Eric? He's just a hippie douche.' You. Make. Me. Bahaha. I'm really glad that he's my friend. I'm such a loser for saying that, buuuut whatev. I hope I see him and Jourdan at prom :) :) and p.s. I love how I make your assignment all cute and you made mine racist :| 'Did you really put coldplay on my assignment??' What else was I supposed to do... I was drawing stars!!!
I went to the doctors for my feet again :/ not quite better... Soon though :) I know it :) and it doesn't hurt so bad anymore...
I'm pretty happy :) I'm finding out who truly cares about me and who isn't worth my time. I'm seriously finding myself thanking god for letting it happen.
Me and Megan are going to take pictures and we'll create a facebook album called 'my girlfriend:))' and it will even have the date on which we started going out :) we're so funnyy ;)
Payson with Lynnsee now :))

There's something about love that breaks your heart. It sets you free.

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