Sunday, April 17, 2011


My title says it all. I am FUCKING done. THIS IS WHY I DON'T MAKE FUCKING FRIENDS! Because I'm HAPPY by myself! I don't stab myself in the back. I don't accuse myself of shit I don't do. I'm CONTENT JUST BEING ALONE! But then everyone fucking worries about me. Even though I find myself at much more peace when I am ON MY OWN. I don't need anyone. I LIKE staying home on saturday nights and friday nights. Because then at least I don't get accused of childish shittt. It's a lot better that way too. Being out of trouble is hella better than having friends. I CAN BE MY OWN GODDAMN FRIEND. Because I do a shitload better job at it then anyone else possibly could. I'm fucking tired of putting so much into all these fucking relationships and then just being fucked over. I always get fucking SCREWED. You're all just FUCKING HYPOCRITES. ALL of you! And I can't fucking stand any of you. I'm going to write the most slandering note in my journal, show it to Terbear, and then rip it to pieces yelling mwahahaha :)))
Ok, so maybe this post is a tad childish, but I feel much better. Zak's right, just saying fuck makes it all better :)
The worst part is is that I WASTED an entire graduation announcement on Eric, because a long time ago I promised that I would fucking send him one. And unlike all you other cunts in the world, I keep my goddamn fucking promises! And I wrote him a goddamn letter, which I poured my whole fucking heart into and when he gets it he'll just be like 'wow what a fucking joke.' WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID AND TRUSTING ENOUGH TO THINK THAT PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ARE GOOD PEOPLE! There are NO good people in this world! Except for me and my fucking dog ;)
If the world spontaneously combusted, I wouldn't give a flying fuck. And even if it doesn't spontaneously combust, I STILL don't give a flying fuck. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.

I'll admit it. I laughed my way through this whole thing. And laughed harder when I reread it. Oh, Adri, you retarded. :)) NEVER LEAVING THE HOUSE AGAIN!!! I will become famous on tumblr and NEVER LEAVE THIS HOME AGAIN!!!! (sorry mother, but you'll support me my whole life now) Nevernevernever!!!!

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