Sunday, May 1, 2011

You scream 'Somebody save me', but they don't pay you no mind.

I'll be completely honest, I'm about to toot my own horn :) I made THE cutest posters for Megan and Kercee :) :) :) I'm so excited to give them to them tomorrow :)) Basically they're just like 'Good job I love you' :) with more mushy stuff in between that :) maybe I'll take a picture and post it :) I need to do a pictorial post soon anyways :) This week hopefully time with girlfriend <333 We need to go prom dressing! And I think we're going to lighten her hair tomorrow in cosmetology :) She'll look fabulous :) she's such a babe :))
I know a MASSIVE secret :)) I want to tell everyone because I know it would make them upset (I'm a bitch, I know... mwahahaha) Buuuut it almost hurts them both more in the end for me to NOT tell them :) SUFFER BITCHESSS! :))))) Relationship faillll :)
Drake is a cabbageheaded beefbrained TOOOOOLBAG! :)
Happy birthday, Dixy poo. I don't care how old you are, you're still just my little dixy poo :) always will be, baby :) I love you with all my heart! You're 234580934853 million miles away, and I still think about you every single second of every single day. You've made a huge impact on my life, and I'll never forget what you've done for me. So as you turn 20 (good lord, you're so old! :| ) I want you to remember that even after all these years and all this shite that's happened, I have never once stopped loving you. And that I've always been waiting for you to come back from college so I can give you the biggest hug ever. I met you when you were just a seventeen year old punk. You were on myspace... (you KNOW it was a long time ago when myspace was still cool at the time) and I was pretty sure I was going to hate you and you were going to hate me. But that never happened. After a few more myspace moments (I think you were taking care of your superpet for once in your life ;) ) you looked up at me and you smiled. Even I, Adri, the queen of not getting suckered in by extremely good looking people, got weak at the knees when you smiled at me. And that was just the start of our friendship. Later came the rubberband crowns and the Adri song. Our obsession with lewis the race car, hours of inside jokes, making fun of terance, your interest in the mormon church, your car accident, you moving to california, me being your rehab supporter. It all started with that one smile. And I am SO much more thankful for that than you will ever know. I love you, Colton James Dixon. I love you with my entire heart. And it will never go away, I promise.
Annnd it's Zak's birthday too :)) Heavens. I met him when I was either thirteen or fourteen... And I think he was sixteen. He was just a little sophomore at a region dance :) he was Tom's friend. And I specifically remember sitting on Tom's lap and asking Tom his name was because Lynnsee and bailey dared me to. And Zak was sitting next to him. Instantly I thought Zak was GORGEOUS. And to my ninth grade self, it was a BIG deal that he was in highschool. Even after meeting him for just five minutes, walking away from him, I knew he would be a huge deal in my life. Nothing at first, but when I got to highschool, we saw each other in the halls. And in some crazy way, he recognized me. And he ended up getting my number. I went with him to my first football game, he took me on my first date, he was the first boy to hold my hand, he took me to my first highschool dance, he was my first kiss. He took me through so much, and taught me so much. I would be a completely different person without him. I'm so so so SO thankful for him. He's an amazing friend. He's always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or just to talk to someone. He was even there when I last second needed a date to prom. Zak was my first 'puppy love' and he's still one of my best friends. It's still crazy to think about him being nineteen and out of highschool. Absolutely crazy... Well that was a long paragraph about nothing :) I was just going to mention a happy birthday shoutout, but I guess I got carried away...
I've always been a mega demanding girlfriend... Me and Bishop were talking about this yesterday. I'm really pushy. I push my boyfriends into doing stuff. Because I just want them to be perfect... Bishop says I deserve to be demanding. I've always been. Even with my first boyfriend. Terbear would always say how tired he was of filling out college applications, but I made him continue doing so. Because I wanted him to build a life. 'But monday night is haloooo night!' 'I don't care, terbear, you need to write essays!' Bahaha I even push them into wearing what I want them to... Last year when me and Brian liked each other, everyone noticed that his style improved drastically :) It's because I'm pushy :) and I'm pushy because I want the best. And I want the best because I feel that I'm good enough to demand and deserve the best :) God, looking back I even pushed Triton.... pushypushypushy....
Chinese food makes me hella happy :) my fortune told me to bring out my feminine side... obviously this cookie doesn't know me, because I am THE ultimate girly girl! Just another stroll down memory lane, I remember when me and Terbear used to always go get chinese food :) I still have our fortunes :) I remember calling Dixon a donut because he wasn't looking at the waitresses eyes if you know what I mean ;) I MISS MY BOYSSSS!!!
So excited to give my girls their posters tomorrow :) :) :) THEY make school worth going to :)
This weekend was bangin :)

God sent me to piss the world off <333

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