Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happily happy just being happy.

'I've decided that I want you to write me on my mission' ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!! YES! It's kind of sad how much I like this boy... And it's not in the usual way. Like I just want to laugh and have fun with him as opposed to how I only want to makeout with [name omitted] I want to blow bubbles and tell secrets and kiss him on the cheek. I want to hug him and run around barefoot in a field. I want to have that innocent childish love that we talked about. I want to have that THING with him! The old couple that feeds the birds, they have IT. And I want to have it with him. I can't believe I'm saying any of this! Oh my gosh, it just keeps spilling out. I NEVER think this about people... especially not about guys, and I shouldn't about him, but I am :| ohhh god I need to stop...
Remember how I was having so much doubt about love not existing? How come this boy is making me believe again? Why is he giving me this huge leap of hope and faith?!
He makes me believe that love exists.

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