Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm waiting for hell like hell shit I'm anxious as hell

The above ^ statement is true! So. True.
I NEED A SHAVE MODEL. Aysap. Please and thank you....
We went over the shave final written exam. Gonna ace this. PRO.
Me and my girls are planning some ruckus for tomorrow night ;) BE PREPARED WORLD. We're girls that know beauty! And I'm gonna borrow one of Megan's dresses for the senior banquet :) it will be amazing :) I'm so excited to go with Mitchell and Brighton :) :) it will be a mucho gusto day :))) 
'You're chip's girl aren't you?' I AM NO ONE'S GIRL. And that's how I like it!!!
Seminary is dull :| but Charles called me out on sluffing last time :) bahaha he's so adorable :) I adore him :))
Cap and gown [x]
In english we finished Freedom Writers :)) it was so good :)) so there we were and I was freezing to death in her constantly cold room, watching this movie, but finally I was like screw this and borrowed Nik's jacket. Thank god for that kid sometimes, I swear. But I ended up crying during the movie. And wiping my tears/mascara ALL over the jacket. SORRY :| Thank you though :) It really bothered me that he looked so sad :( Maybe I'm just shit at reading people, but I felt like something was wrong :/
I'll kick anyone's trash at cod ;)
DIE soccer practice!!!! EVERYONE has soccer practice!!! >:|
Children on facebook... and MOTHERS on facebook. I swear, Tera is more of a child than me!
'Adri, I just want to know if you feel insulted because he left you for someone so below you?' No, I don't. Because I'm more confident than that to be such a child. I know I'm pretty. I used to be like 'oh I'm average' But I know I'm pretty. I know that I get checked out on a regular basis and I know that a fair amount of guys like me. I know that some girls are jealous of me and some want to look like me. Just because he went for her doesn't change the fact that I'm still pretty and that she is too. It doesn't matter who he left me for. He could have left me for blake lively, and I would still be pretty. It's weird, but before this breakup, I was so so SO insecure with myself. I wanted to change this and tweak that. I never liked how I looked. I had a boyfriend (and several other men to be completely honest) that told me that I was beautiful and gorgeous. I had a guy that looked like EMINEM that even wanted on my nuts. But I was still so insecure in myself. I saw all these insignificant flaws that clouded my entire perspective. Then I had him leave me for another girl. Then all the sudden I saw it. I saw ME. I looked in the mirror wondering if he left because I wasn't pretty enough, and when I looked I saw a pretty girl. I saw a girl with no makeup on and without fake hair, and I still found her attractive. (That led me to wondering if my personality was ugly, and maybe sometimes it is. But I think me and him just clashed sometimes) Anyways, I LIKE myself. I have the confidence to not wear makeup, to go out without extensions, to wear sweats, to cry in public, to hit on attractive guys, to strut my shit down the halls like I'm on the runway. I finally just like myself. And it shows. I've had so many people come up to me recently and tell me that since I've started listening to eminem again I've clearly been happier and more confident. I started listening to him after my breakup. I don't think it's eminem that gave me that confidence, it was me finding myself through solidarity. Taking that time to discover what and who I really am. I walk a little taller (with a little more swag, yes, ;) but taller for sure) and I smile at strangers a little bigger. When Dylan walks by me and says 'ew' I'm finally able to let it slide off me, because I know it isn't true. When Dixon pointed out all the shit that Jaimie commented on in some of the pictures that I'm in with Robin, it didn't bother me. It made me laugh because obviously I bother her if she went through all that trouble, and it was crazy to see how defensive Dixon and Mumma trover got for me. I let people's shit slide off me now, just roll off as soon as I hear it. I finally reached that point, where I don't care what all the haters say. You always hear people say that in songs, but you really do reach that point. When you have so many haters that it gets to the point that you have to choose if YOU hate or love yourself. And when you love yourself, it really doesn't matter. I can look in the mirror now, and I wouldn't change anything. My hair is fine the way it is, my body is rockin, with or without makeup I'm still pretty. It is SUCH a good feeling to have this love. Because I love other people more now too. I'm not afraid to walk up to someone that's crying and put my arm around them. I don't have to worry if they'll say how weird I am later, because I love them and I love me. I wish I could have felt this way earlier in my highschool life. My name is Adri and I honestly like myself now.
This weather is to die for. I know it's strange that I like it, but I think cloudy days are whimsical and brilliant. I hope there's thunder and lightning :)
THIS WORLD FEELS LIKE GOSSIP GIRL! All this 'spotted' business. All these schemes. All these photographs of people making out and stuff. Good lord. Even a boy named Nate now! ;) And one named charles! :) Blair Serena where are you?! Lil j??? ;)

le bare haps :)

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