Saturday, May 14, 2011

You say you hate me, I just love you more.

Le craziness :))
I've come to the conclusion that I want my last name to be Jade :) then my kids will be Triton Jade and Skye Empathy Jade <333 I think it sounds gorgeous!
So last night :) it was wayy fun :) first me and colton and Jordan decided to go get arctic circle icecream :) 'Can I get six complimentary cones?' '' So we got three, but instead they gave us the wrong order so we got two ginormo cones and still our three complimentary cones :)) Pro stat :) but we missed Nik by five minutes :/ I don't give a shit though because free is free :) Then we went and saw Colton's little brothers' baseball game for a little bit :) and all of Colton's friends were like 'bro is that your girlfriend? She's so hott!' :)) :)) :)) thank youuu and no :) But so then we were like lets go to a haunted house :) and we had the bright idea to get the 'touchy thing' because it was only two extra dollars. Apparently, for two dollars more, you can get raped by the haunted house actors :| all the girls took theirs off immediately because we were hella scared, but Jordan and Taylor kept theirs on, and they were getting thrown around like it was nobodies business. When they say touchy, they mean TOUCHY! It was hella scary! Especially when they made me crawl and the actor knew my name :| and when they made me get in the coffin :| 'How scared are you?' 'Very' 'How much is veryyyy?' 'HELLA!' :)) So in one part of it, they separated the boys from the girls and made us go in an elevator and it was so sketch :| Then the actor was all 'come come come!' '...That's what she said' :) Instant hate from that actor ;) it took us forever to get in though! We seriously didn't get in until midnight! But when we were standing in line, this super tall chick came and had a dance off with us ;) and Jordan hit on every single actress I swear to god. 'Hey shawty!' Every other word out of his mouth ;) when they separated the girls from the boys, the only reason we found them is because we heard Jordan say 'Heyy girl!' :) It was a way fun night :) And I feel a lot closer to Taylor's girlfriend :) I really like her :))
'You look really good tonight, Adri.' (pause) 'And I'm not just saying that because you're wearing short shorts!' ;)
Today was fun with the fam :) me and ben went exploring and we found this old abandoned mine shaft :) I've decided that when I'm a ghost, that's where I'll haunt :)
I love that the weather is starting to get nice :))
Pass the buck tonight :)

You don't want me. I just want you more.

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