Friday, May 6, 2011

It's an explosion every time I hold you, I wasn't joking when I told you you take my breath away

Warning: darling, this is going to be the most random pst possible. The most random post of your live, quite possibly.
'Nik can I ask you a really douchey question?' :) bahaha that was the start of an adventure <33
Now the biggest, most exciting news of all... IT'S A GIRL!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GODDDD!!! :) :) :) From now on every single thing I buy will be pink with some cute fat baby animal on it!!! I am so excited to spoil the shit out of this kid! And she's completely healthy, two legs, two arms in the normal places. And most important of all, a heart <33 I am so so so so so so so (you can't even UNDERSTAND) EXCITED!!!!!! Sept. 25 <3333
So then our seminary senior banquet. That was so amazing. At first, I wasn't feeling it, but it turned out to be amazing. The testimony went amazing. It was supposed to end at eight, but it didn't until nine twenty. At one point, I seriously bawled my eyes out. Seeing the new council really made me think about last year. I remember feeling the spirit so strong at that senior banquet too. And I remember when Eric got up and he looked right at me and we both just smiled so big. I remember he was absolutely and completely glowing, and happiness was just radiating off of him. I just wanted to run up and hug him and kiss him on the cheek. I found him so completely attractive while he was up there glowing. I don't think I ever told him that. I think the reason I liked him so much was because of that spirit and that glow that he had. Anyways, back to the present. I did NOT want to go up there. I don't like most of the people that were in that room and I had no desire to go up. But Heather gave me 'the eye' and after she did I got that super heart beat thing goin on, where it beats a million times per minute and I get extremely aware of every single beat. So I got up. And I cried a lot. I'm sure it was comical to them. Because I wiped under my eyes with a tissue, and I made a very disgusted face when I saw the amount of makeup on that tissue. There was seriously so much. It was gross. After the meeting concluded, sister bell came up to me, and I know that she is a woman of god, and I KNOW with all my heart that she listens to the spirit. Because she put her arm around me and she looked me straight in the eye 'Do you know how loved you are yet? Do you know how much you are loved?' And I cried. Because I had never told her, never uttered a single word to her about how alone I've been feeling and how unloved I've felt. I've never given her a reason to think I needed that, but she knew through the spirit that I did. I am so grateful that she listens to the promptings of the holy ghost and that she helped me in my time of need. I am so thankful for her.
And the unlimited cafe rio tonight was MUCHO GUSTO! :))
Apparently, just by the way I walk and carry myself in general, is an indication that I've been listening to eminem a lot recently. Seriously, people can tell just by how I walk... I'm not gonna stop though :))
I was talking to this girl cassie tonight and I told her she reminded me a little bit of jaylynn, and you know what she did. 'I take offense to that.' Get off your high horse, you little bitch. You aren't even HALF the woman that JayLynn is. And I lost complete and all respect for you after tonight.
There was something else to talk about, but I have forgotten it :/
Hey, taco bell, I hate you for what you've done to me. But just be careful. You don't deserve to feel the way it feels to have your heart shattered. Everyone warned me too, but I thought I could prove them wrong. I couldn't. I know you won't either. Just be careful. xxxx taco time.
There's peace floating in the air and I'm hoping to glow now.

Promise me if I cave in and break and leave myself open that I wont be makin a mistake <333

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