Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Don't make fun of me...

But, I have come to the conclusion, that guys can double pierce their ears, and it can look super attractive :) omg, like you wouldn't think so, until you see a hott guy with it then it's like yummmm :)
On my way home, A truck pulled up next to me and waved at me. So I waved back. Then he held up a sign. 'Flash me. It's my birthday.' I bahaha'd :)
Nice chat with Jordan today :) He's such a chill guy :)
'How many bras are you wearing??' One, my boobs have gotten bigger since we last talked :)))

I hate every single part of humanity. I don't think I'll ever be able to believe in anybody again. I wish I wouldn't have gone to young womens tonight. I just hate that everyone looks at me and immediately forms a judgment. They don't take into account my situation or how I was raised, or anything logical like that. They just look at me. Well, go ahead and take a nice long look, because I'm done with you. I'm done giving a shit about you. Next time I see you crying in the halls, don't expect me to stop and ask you what's wrong and hug you. Don't expect anything from me. Because I'm fucking tired of you sitting on your high horse and saying how christlike you are, but the only reason you feel so righteous is because you have to make me look so unrighteous. Next time you look at me and sneer because you're dressed modestly and I'm not, you can shove your 'christlike attitude and judgments' right up your fucking ass. You can look at me and hate me because I swear like a sailor and listen to eminem, but at least I've learned to think for myself. I know I'm not perfect. You're the one that's still dumb enough to think that you are.

At least I have an amazing brother that surprised me with a Justin Bieber shirt. He seriously has no idea how much I needed that on this awful terrible day. It seriously made my cry.
Colton James Dixon, please hurry home faster. I need you more than I need a heartbeat. You're more important to me than the breaths that I take. I need the strength you offer me. I'm done sweetheart. I need your loving hands to come and pick me up. And every night I miss you, I can just look up and know the stars are holding you tonight.

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