Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby, you're the right kind of wrong.

Problem: he has a girlfriend. Solution: I don't give a shit ;)
Late night texts and butterflies :) A text hasn't made me smile this big in so long :)

Today es Kercee's birthday :))) we decorated her station and I felt so good about it :) I hope she has an amazing day! She deserves it :))
I gave Sarah a pedicure today :) it was pretty fun :) I hope she liked it! I'm always nervous that I don't do good! Megan's haircut looks great :) I LOVE her! I want to do a photoshoot with her hella hella HELLA bad :) Hopefully gonna hang out over memorial day :)

Last night? So Kira calls me and I answered (Adri, you're a dumbass. Stop answering your phone. goddamn) and she told me that Robin was a car accident and she asked me if I was with Eric. So I was like no? And I started worrying about Robin because I'm a toolbag. And right as I was texting Kira to see what hospital Robin was at, she texts me saying it was all a lie. ? I feel like I'm living in gossip girl with all these schemes and lies and shite :| then there was something about Drake, but I honestly have no idea what theee hell is going on. And he's at work, and for the first time ever he WON'T ANSWER HIS PHONE! Whatever. As long as I'm not pulled in, I don't care. Done with le drama :)

I think about more than I forget.

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