Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us.

How to separate beauty school students from the rest: they'll stop mid conversation when they see the big sexy hair van. They will also precede to say 'Sexyyy hair!' Beauty school is the best :)
I got my shave final paper back... 48/50 :) :) :) :) OHMYGOODNESS :) I'm hella proud of myself :) :) :) then we did a flat top, which is the hardest haircut ever :) but I still did pretty good on it :) I just need some practice and then I'll be perfect ;) Soo we found out that Megan and Jessica are related somehow... I'm cheating on my girlfriend with one of her relatives! I'm such a douche that it makes me insanely happy :))) I am so so so SOOOO excited for Jessica :) :) :) It's so much fun :))
In seminary I got up and bore my testimony, I don't remember what I said, so I feel like I may have made a fool of myself :| why do I never remember what I say after I just said it???
'Adri, will you be my girlfriend? I'll buy you shit...' Bahaha I seriously adore you Drake <333
In english we played this game where we had to visualize this room. Then we had to put a cube in it. Not a square, but like a 3D room. It could be any color any size and made out of anything. Then we had to visualize a ladder and put it in our room. Then we had to put a picture of a storm in our room and rate it on a scale of one to ten of how bad of a storm it was. Then we had to see a horse. Then we had to put a window and flowers in our room :)) My cube was a pretty decent size and was made out of red bricks :) My ladder was a little shabby, the cute old kind in movies, and was propped up on the wall kind of next to the cube, but not right next to it. My picture wasn't too bad of a storm. Well, the first thing I thought was 9 but it was quickly followed by 6. My horse was just chillin in the middle of the room. It wasn't tied up or anything. Just chillin, plain, and brown. More on the ugly side I guess. My window was GORGEOUS though :) the kind divided in fours and I had a cherry blossom planted next to the window. It was in a pot and it was beautiful :)) Welll... the cube represents our ego... of course mine would be sturdy as bricks, I'm just confident in myself, ok? The ladder represents our career. Mine was close to my ego, so it was pretty good for me. It would be best if it was on the cube, but it was close. The storm represents how able we are to feel emotional. My nine means I feel deeply, but my six means I try to hide it and seem like I don't care quite as much. The horse represents your significant other. I complained that I was worried about mine being ugly and brown and what did that mean then Nik made a joke about it being Eric :| NOT FUNNY! But mine wasn't tied up, so I want them to be pretty independent, but I expect them to listen to me and do as I say, I expect obedience. I don't expect anything fancy, just plain. Our window and flowers represent how we feel about our friends. My flowers were GORGEOUS :) and I was obviously taking care of them pretty well because it was in a nice pot and it had obviously been watered :) I clearly love my friends and need them :)
Then we went and saw the dance concert and I'm such an awful critic, I'm just very judgmental and douchey about it :| And the seniors were called down to get these papers for graduation. And we have to take them around to our teachers and have them sign it, proving that we'll get that credit for graduation. So I get to my councilor and on my paper was something quite pleasing... FINISHED :) :) :) :) I'M DONE :) :) :) I am SO excited for graduation!!!! :) :) :) :) They gave me candy for being done :) Bahaha :)
20 weeks <3333 find out the sex tomorrow!!! :) :) :) I'm hella hella HELLA excited :)

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