Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Well here I come, havoc on the beat, I wreak it.

Le crazy day :)) met Jess's boyfriend :) that boy knows everything about EVERYTHING. When I asked him about platypuses he told me they have venom in one of their feet... who just knows that?!!! Buzzed magnums head :) Cleaning out kits tomorrow <3 My girlfriend is cheer co captain... yeah I'm pretty proud ;) Pretty much, I'm just a huge fan of Andrew being an encyclopedia ;)
Seminary :) we wrote notes to each other and it was all sweet :) I'm going to go to my old seminary class tomorrow to give Thane a note I wrote for him :) Because I love him so fricken much :)) I MISSED CHARLES TODAY!
Lunch with my baybays :)) Well, kinda... I forced them to take me to the library because my gangster love story was finally in <333 They briefly made fun of me, but I don't care :) tres love for them <3
In english we went to the basketball game for the mentally challenged kids :) it was so freaking adorable! :) and Nikolas wasn't grumpy for once in a lifetime ;) he told me who made my crappy burger yesterday! ;) Me and Taylor were talking and this chick Alicia in our english told Taylor's girlfriend that me and him always flirt with each other and 'makeout' in english... With Taylor??? Sweetheart, you have it all wrong... if there's anyone in english that I flirt and 'Makeout' with it's noooot Taylor if you know what I mean ;) Me and Taylor only sat by each other once and we were talking about colton the whole time! Sheesh ;) Jordan does too look like eminem!!! The not afraid eminem! Not the 'I just stopped doing drugs so I'm kinna chunk eminem! I KNOW I'M RIGHT!!! :) Made some friends with some druggies ;) I'm so sneaky that I stole his hat and it was funny ;)
So spontaneous is tomorrow :( but I'm not gonna go because I'm going to Amy's wedding instead. I think her wedding will be more fun anyways :) Especially with TING :)))))) :))))) :)))))
So I went to the library right, because I just felt like I should, and I saw.... HOT LIBRARY KID!!! :) :) He was like 'So how was the book?' So I told him it was ehhh but not a rereader and then he asked me if I came to the library a lot... Ummmm, baby, I'll go anywhere if you're there a lot.... ;) his name is Darien, but he goes by ryan :) He didn't ask me for my number, but he gave me those eyessss ;) he is tres attractive.... THEN on my way home I was driving behind Hek :) It was a great time to go to the library :)
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt so he wears it everyday <3
It's me and my girlfriends two month (we think) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY baby ;) I have the most gorgeous girlfriend alive <33333
I think you know how fucked up your relationship is, but you don't want me to know even though I do, so you pretend to be happy when you clearly aren't. And what's the point in that, sweetheart? To make me jealous? Because I'm not... Is it worth trying to make me unhappy to actually make you unhappy? Life is too short to waste on shitty relationships <3

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