Monday, May 9, 2011

The moment you own it, you better never let it go.

Le internet es being slow :|
'Listening to blink 182 and thought of you <333
Listening to Ke$ha and thinking of you. Now I wanna get sleazy. <333'
We learned a men's facial today in cosmetology and we had to perform it on each other. I'm pretty good at fondling Megan's lobes.. ;)  four girls, 1 bag of hot cheetos. Gone within an hour. Cravings are a bitchhh. I love us :)
In seminary we did this trek activity thing. I BARELY didn't make it to salt lake city. Seriously, I died 25 miles from it :|
Tanning is relaxation <3
So I went to the library and there was this super hott kid there :))) So I will now refer to him in future posts as 'hott library kid' bahaha as if there will be any future posts about him, we never even talked other than 'excuse me' ;)
I've comprised a list of reasons why colton should not ask me out :) i'll post in in a momento :)
Summed up, today has been tragically dullll.
El tanning results :)

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