Monday, March 14, 2011

Love never melts sweetheart.

Daylight savings drives me BONKERS! Hate hate hate!
But I love love love cosmetology :) Jessica was still gone, but hopefully she'll be back by tomorrow :)) Megan continues to make me smile a ton :) I drew her pictures today and wrote about how much she sucks on her hand ;) pictures to come :) we had some bonding time and she told me some of her secrets :) I love that she trusts me. I just plain love her :)
preschool teaching was a DISASTER! We were so unprepared :| the theme cowboys was just awful! Making the planet green will be even worse though! When I sang in music time, the kids covered their ears. CLEARLY I will make it far in the music industry ;)
Kira sluffed and came to English with me. We discovered that not only does Nik have dogs, he locks his hot tub. Ohh but we will find a way in :) just you watch and see :) we'll creep in and take facebook pictures ;) no chickening out this time :)
My feet hurt like terrible, but one of them is completely better :) :) :) just three more to go :))
I hope tomorrow is good :) I'm gonna wear the jacket that I stole from Robin :) bahahaha :)

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