Monday, March 28, 2011

If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I have so much to catch up on!!!
Thursday I went tanning with my cosmetology girls :) We got hella lost on our way, but we found it :) I decided I love tanning :) and we all decided to tan money signs into our left hip :) because we're pretty chill. The whole time I was in the bed though, all I could think about was the story jessica told me about the girls getting stuck and BURNING TO DEATH!!! That was the only unpleasant thing though :) After prom, I decided that I'm gonna get an unlimited pass :)
Thursday night I went to payson with Lynnsee and I had a freaking blasty blast :) We read all of our old notebooks (I was pretttyyy chill in eighth grade ;)) and we texted 'tom' ;) it was nice to catch up with her and giggle up all night :) then we woke up in the morning and watched the ring :) it was pretty fun stuff :)
I don't know why, but I don't remember the rest of friday at all? We got home at like two, after stalking courtneys house because stupid steven was there! Yeah, then I have no idea...
Saturday I just cleaned my room ALL day! ALLLL day! But that night me and Eric watched the passion of the christ. It really bugs me how gorgeous satan looked... I know that's the point, but it really bothered me.
Sunday was pretty lamo :) church and reading :) I finished my sisters keeper and I didn't cry this time, but I teared up a thousand times.
Seminary was awesome today :) I'm really grateful for the example that thane sets for me :) I decided that I'm going to write him a note about how awesome he is. He's a really great friend :))
MY SPELLING IS TERRIBLE TODAY! (4655) <--- Ignore that, my dad told me to remember it.
I've decided to put an end to this crappy crappy post.
This weekend me jess and megan are gonna go GHOST hunting :)))) I loveee them :))

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