Saturday, March 12, 2011

Darling, can't you see it's now or never.

Yesterday was such an amazing, completely fantastic day :))
It started in cosmetology with my girls :) they make me smile so big that it's ridiculous! We started planning our cosmetology camping trip :) and it better happen because it would be amazing :) me and Megan are going to be the girls that require fishing :) and we should probably take a dog ;) and Cindy told us to always say no to guys about everything or else we'll just be a number ;) so we're the no-women :) we say no to life! ;)
Megan: (said in a very asian accent) Adri, you do your own work :) couldn't stop laughing for like twenty minutes :) oh and I FINALLY figured out who my secret santa was :) Jessica seriously did amazing :)) I love her so much! :)
School was eh. Everyone kept saying my hair looked really cute even though I looked like JIZZ and guys kept checking me out so I was just like :| Eric came over after school and he let me pms as much as I needed to :) he's so sweet even though I threaten to punch him in the face all the time ;)
Then The Sleepover began :)) me and Kira and Robin began by going prom dress shopping at trolley square :) but oh was it an adventure trying to get there. No big deal we were just going on the wrong side of the road at gateway!!! But luckily we weren't injured because no other cars were there :) just pedestrians that kept telling us that we were going the wrong way :) when we finally got there we tried on a billion over-priced prom dressed :) Robin always said she couldn't wear a floor length dress, but she found one that looked absolutely gorgeous!!! It was way way wayyy over the budget though :/ so there I am having the lady lace up my dress for me, my underwear just chillin all over the place, and then a boy walks out of the backroom and gets a full throttle look :| fml! Kira found a dress that was so gorgeous on her :)) I loved it! So then we went to gateway because I was starvingggg and there were kids everywhere! Freaking disney on ice! And mcdonalds slaughtered my order :/ but it was ok :) then we went in to hot topic :| sketchyyy, but the worker was pretty nice :) he thinks I could pull off a septum, but he also thinks that I should get dreads :| we raced out of the parking garage real quick in hopes that we would get free parking :) and we did :) it felt pretty great. The real adventure began when we had to go get Mitch though. just driving out to weber, no big deal. Except that we got lost a million thousand times!!! It was awful! In a good way though :) on the way back me and Robin were basically little kids :) asking how much longer and how many more minutes and talking about how much we had to go potty :) I loved every second of it :) when we FINALLY got back we went to smiths to get some snackity snacks :) hot cheetos :) :) Robin and Kira got a bazillion other things, but I was content with my hot cheetos :) Kira started to immediately drift off when we got home and we were like 'don't do it, Kira... We'll draw on your face..' So me and robin and her step sister did a facial together :) and then me and robin were like 'oh hey lets go to seven eleven to get some milk! In our facial masks!' so we did :) I wanted to sneak into a certain someone's hot tub, but we're too chicken to do anything that legit ;) but we did get our milk and this crazy guy in a turban kept telling us how crazy we are and we found that funny :) after our crazy milk adventure we got back and Kira-party-pooper-lake-allen was ASLEEP! So very deviously, me and robin got our sharpies :) and colored a unibrow and mustache :)) we thought we were so funny :) We were wide awake, so decided to watch a movie :) specifically tuck everlasting because I had never seen it before! But even though we were 'completely wide awake' we fell asleep not even halfway through :| and somehow we ended up moving to the guest bedroom, but I really don't remember that part! I woke up in the morning and then I was terrified that Kira would get revenge! I actually screamed when I saw Kira :) We wake up on saturday mornings to play mario party on n64 whilst eating chips and drinking mountain dew. We're such fat losers ;) but then my mom called me and said that Mitchell's mom called her saying that 'a little blonde girl had egged her house' so I was like Wtf? And my mom told me to call her, so I did. And when I did, his mom threw a total bitch fit at me when all I was trying to do was clear my good name. And apparently this was the second time or something that they've been egged and apparently a little blonde girl did it both times. Ok? When? Because the last time I went and stayed out late enough to do that was with Mitchell himself... And p.s colton admitted to egging their house a while ago. That's one ugly 'little blonde girl' So, you can stop being a child and thinking that I'm the only person, or even the only blonde girl that isn't a Mitchell fan. Don't be naive, he's an extremely flamboyant, extremely open gay kid, his house is gonna get trashed a couple times. I hear people talking all the time about how much they want to punch him, I just sit in the corner of my classes silently annoyed. They sound wayy more likely to egg him, I think. Lets all just grow up here.
The day got better though! I called my mom again and told her about the bitch fit fest and that was the end of that... we then continued with our n64 party :) I pretty much completely lost :) I beat wario though! and Kira stole Robin's star so we got permission to write poop on her forehead in sharpie :)) then she ambushed Robin and they proceeded to ambush me :) this led to a great deal of pictorials and facebook albums :) I begged to finish tuck everlasting, so we did and I almost cried! It was so sad! I decided that I love that movie though :) we went to rumbi and I had a fantastic burger :) and that is where our adventures came to a close :))) such a good day/night/day :)
Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don't have to live forever. You just have to live.

Only you and me on this endless night xxxxx

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