Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And I'm in pieces, baby fix me.

In cosmetology today I got a client. A STENCHY client! I was about to die! Then I heard mamma Julie's voice in my head saying that breathing through your mouth can get you through anything. It mostly worked :) and luckily megan was there to help me :) it was like a special ed school thing and they were coming to get their hair done for a fashion show. But the fashion show is tomorrow, so there is a great possibility that I'll have to do it again tomorrow. I would tell them no because he stinks and is disgusting! But he's special ed, so that would just be cruel and douchey. And I can always just make megan help me again :) I love her so much for doing that for me :) yesterday jaylynn was crying because her parents won't let her see dalton anymore. Today she was jumping for joy because kercee's hott cousin said she was cute. That must have been some damn strong love her and dalton had obviously...  Megan curled my hair in the special way that only she seems to be able to do :) I'm going to try to do it myself for tomorrow :) I hope it works! :)) Jessica is so sweet :) she went out of her way to drive stephanie to school because stephs hair was running late. Kercee goes to the same school as her, but she didn't even offer her a ride, so jessica who goes to a different school, went out of her way to take her. It was really sweet of her. You can tell that she's a really good friend. Me and Kercee aren't really close at all anymore and it makes me so sad :( it's just hard because she loves jaylynn and I just, well, don't. I've gotten really close to jessica and megan through it though :) so I love that :))
I got to seminary really early today and brother sullivan was telling me how impressed he was with the way that I always follow the spirit. I don't feel like I do because I make so many mistakes, but he said it just feels like I don't because it's like second nature for me to follow the spirit. I don't know :/ I'm trying to be a better person :) march madness really helps too :) I'm doing pretty good :) Thane was talking about abby smith today and how he thinks that she's cute. I swear to god every really mormon guy is attracted to her. It's NOT FAIR that such amazing guys are going to waste on abby! Thane deserves so much better than her! She's really two faced and he doesn't know the full her... It really bothers me that so many people think she's such a great person :| it's probably just my inner jealousy that they don't think I'M a great person! I should probably stop coveting. Maybe I'll work on that some other time ;)
Water aerobics is just a bother. I refuse to get in that yucky infected pool water. It's only made my feet worse, and it was where the problem began so I absolutely refuse to get in. REFUSE!
My prom dress is coming along :) I hope it looks good because I really don't want to waste that much money on a dress again :| It's only one month till prom :) :) :) I'm so so so excited :) :) :)
Twenty days till birthday :) Ima be legal :))
Tomorrow will be fabulous :)

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