Monday, March 21, 2011

If you didn't notice, well, you mean everything..

Cosmetology girls :) Jessica is setting me up on a date with her cousin :)) his name is Zakk and I think it's so hott that it's spelled with two k's :) he's a pretty attractive fellow :) We're all getting into the spirit of setting each other up on dates :) it's good fun :) jaylynn got in trouble today :| something about dirty pictures in the bathroom.. I have no idea but it's pretty sketchy. Cindy let us try on her ring. Her HUGE, MASSIVE diamond ring! It was my first time putting a diamond on my finger :) I kinda liked it :)
I think I might ask thane on a date :) because he's a really great guy and I think it would be really fun :) Even though he's a sophomore.. He's a really amazing guy ok...
I had to go to the dentist :| They basically told me to bleach the hellll out of my teeth and then come back so they can fix my filling :) I like them :) apparently my eyeshadow was distracting.... 'Don't tell clair that you can match your eyeshadow to your shoes!' I find them fun :)
'Would you rather stay with someone that doesn't make you happy or be alone?' 
Be alone of course. Because staying with them would only prevent you from finding someone that will truly make you happy. And I've said it before and I'll say it again... If I don't find true love, I'll stay alone forever. Lonely and alone. But at least I won't settle for love that's a lie. Love isn't about settling. It's about searching and failing a few times before you find that certain guy. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Fall in love. Fall out... Do this as many times as it takes for you to find what you need to. For you to find the one person that you could be with forever without ever getting bored. I would rather be alone. And I hope you would too.

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