Sunday, March 6, 2011

Even though it's a struggle, love is all we got.

Yesterday was fantastic :)

Kira is amazing :) she made my entire day so much better :) I literally teared up when I saw what she had done for me :) I love her with all my heart and I'm so grateful that she is in my life. I don't know what I would do without her :) thank you so much for absolutely everything that you do for me! I love my flower so much :) it's made the entire room so much happier :)
I went on my triple date last night :) :) :) it was amazing :) we went laser tagging at laser quest and I had an absolute blast :) It was my first time ever going, so I absolutely SUCKED [Actually I came in second to last but it's better than nothing :) Sarah came in dead last :)] but it was still a great time :) I really want to go a lot more with Eric and we're going to make our names Barney and Robin :) just like how I met your mother :)) Him and Zak were way pro at laser tagging! Like ridiculously good! None of the girls really were though :) and somehow I ended up with a black eye? It's atrocious looking, but I'm pretty proud of it because of the adventure aspect :) After laser tagging we went to wendys, well, me and Eric did, everyone else had already eaten, but they were still sweet enough to take us there anyways :) then we went to subzero :) the entire time that we were in the line me and Eric were fighting/discussing about which flavor we should get. The only nonnegotiable thing was that it absolutely had to have reeses in it because Eric had a craving :) I don't even remember what we decided on, but it was a shake :) and I don't know how, but somehow it turned into a race against Sarah and we had to eat our icecream faster than her :) so I downed that thing, but we still lost :) we all decided that we were going to go to hollywood connections because it would be free because Brian works there. So on the way there Eric was like 'I'm way tired of this drink' so I was telling him to set it on the ground, but he wanted to throw it at someone instead. And who should drive up :) no other than Dylann :) we were going to do it, but he changed lanes to last second for us to do it :) it was still way fun thinking about it :) We went laser tagging again at hollywood, but it wasn't nearly as good as the first time :)so we went on all the rides and went skating :) but skating was way too hard and not fun at all! Me and Kathy tried to just dance in the middle with our shoes on, but we got kicked out so we went to the diner :) and Jake was working there! I haven't seen him since sophomore year so I was way excited! I used to be so close to him! He was definitely one of my best friends back in the day :) He did so much for me at the time. I felt like I could go to him with almost anything :) he was a sweetheart! After that we decided to ride the balloon ride one last time :) so me and Eric and Sarah And Zak all crammed into the same one and we spun our little hearts out :) it was good times :) I love them all so much :) I'm glad I'm friends with all of them :)
I have english homework to get to, but I really really really don't want to :|

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