Thursday, October 27, 2011

Divine chaos.

Today was so amazing, I can't even fully put it into words how amazing it was. I was scheduled with a client to do hair extensions which I was NOT happy about! Because extensions take like SEVEN GODDAMN HOURS TO DO! And then I saw the client and I was LIVID. She had the most atrocious hair I've ever seen and I was supposed to make it look good?? I was pissed. So then me and Sarah start to do the hair, and talking to the girl you can tell she has a really low self esteem. She put a relaxer in her hair a while ago and ruined her hair completely. It's patchy, frizzy, and extremely thing. A complete NIGHTMARE for extensions. But we get going and it's starting to really look good. This girl is a completely sweetheart though. She was telling us about how she doesn't go to school anymore because she's gotten made fun of so bad. Listening to her talk made me want her to have the best hair ever, because I want her to feel beautiful. Making conversation I told her I got made fun of a lot in junior high. The way she looked at me, like she couldn't imagine why, as if I was perfect, made me feel so sad. Because I'm sure she looked at me with my long blonde hair and my thin body and thought my life was perfect. I hated that she was envious of me, because I know people like me keep her back from loving herself. When we finally finished her hair though, I realized WHY I want to do hair for a living. This girl and her mom both started to cry, because they thought she was beautiful. This girl came in with such a low self esteem and she left feeling like a million dollars. It was the most amazing transformation I've ever seen. I wish everyone could have seen this. I hope she feels this beautiful for the rest of her life <3
I'm so thankful that I finally have a reason for what I want to do in life. I feel like God read my blog yesterday and blessed me with this feeling today.
I talked to Robin today in class, and this girl gives some of the best advice without even realizing it. I felt like I could honestly talk to her because she doesn't judge at all. I'm really glad she's in theory and overflow. One day I'll have to let her know how much I appreciate her.
It's been such a heartwarming day.

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