Sunday, October 16, 2011

The smallest sprout shows there is really no death

I had a really good talk with some of my co workers today. Just about religion and fears and I finally realized something. I'm not all that different. And I'm definitely not alone. It's nice having them to talk to and be completely honest with. Jessie wants me to go to church with her and it's kinda cool having her as a little support team :) It's days like these that make me so grateful to work at where I do because I'm meeting people that I know I'm supposed to. Sometimes I hate going to work, but nights like these make it worth it. I'm so glad I didn't call in sick to go see grieves. That is how could our talk was and how much it meant to me. #Inspired <3
Other than that people were rude, messy, and obnoxious :) But that's ok, I'm learning to deal with it a lot better than before. I used to just get silently angry. Now I get giggly and just think that I'm getting paid by the hour no matter what :) I'm glad I'm starting to get my positivity back :)
I'm thankful.

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