Tuesday, October 11, 2011

But nothings greater than the rush that comes with your embrace.

Alright :) so yesterday :) Yesterday was a really good day :) I had Jammin come in to school and I cut his hair :) it looks like Zac Effrons :)) I really like it :) In the middle of class I got a call from Spencer so I was just WTF?! It was a butt dial but we ended up texting and talking and I'm honestly so grateful that he butt dialed me because he gave me some really awesome advice that I'm super thankful for :) I saw Nate yesterday and it was hella awkward :| He was kind of an ass. meh. Then I had to go to work and closing was a BITCH. Didn't get home until around twelve thirty. No biggie.
Today was midterms. I got one hundred on my test and I'm super proud :)) Now it's on to cosmo :)
Downtown with Princess tonight :) can't wait :))

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