Friday, October 14, 2011

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars.

Ohhh yeah, I have a blog ;) Gone are the days where I would post like 2834759824758 posts in a day. Now you're all lucky if I do it once a week! I really will try to be better! I just got in the habit of being so tired after work that I don't blog! Then I just got into the habit of being lazy :| HOPEFULLY I WILL CHANGE.
Tuesday :) I went to Temple Square with princess :) and it was super fun :) we just kinda walked around. Well, I did. He went around hitting on all the sisters ;) I was a saint and didn't even bother any of the elders ;) So, we're just sitting down on a bench by the temple and Andy takes my hand and very seriously looked into my eyes. And he starts off saying he was really happy that I came with him. Then, saying my full name, he started to get on one knee. What did I do? Run away. I RAN AWAY AS A MAN WAS TRYING TO PROPOSE TO ME!! ;) Luckily it was a joke. The downside? What if it's for real one day and I STILL run away????!!!?!?! AwfulAwfulAwful! My dad on the other hand, was very pleased to see me going to temple square. 'GO get married!!!' If I'm going to a store: 'Go buy your wedding dress!' My father is in quite the rush to get rid of me!
Wednesday :) was our evaluations day in cosmo :) straight A's, bro :) I love talking to Ann :) I told her how Andy 'proposed' and her eyes lit up brighter than the Rockerfeller Christmas tree! She approves of him :) I love her :) After our evaluations all of us went out to lunch and it was fun :) Even though I spilled my drink and made a HUGE mess! HOW EMBARRASSSINGGGG! I love being with Sarah and Kenzie :) without fail, the story of Kenzie's WHAPPP makes me laugh my head off :)) Couldn't live without hair school :) If we see anything abnormal 'Don't worry guys, we go to a community college' :)
Thursday. Hello headache of hell. Lazy day of pretty little liars, cuddling with my puppy, and knitting a scarf. An almost perfect autumn day :) Ended in a sleepy conversation with Andrew :) 'I just wanted to talk' 'About what? about what about what about what' For some reason the phrase 'About what' made me snort and giggle like a maniac for like ten minutes....
Watching pretty little liars always causes me to become very suspicious of murderers that I KNOW are invading my home!!! And people that I KNOW are watching me! And I just KNOW that someone is going to kidnap my puppy!!! But don't worry, I'm on the lookout. NOTHING is getting past me ;)
So remember last year how Kat read my future or whatever. She did all the way until october. So last night I took a curious little peak. October is soulmate. As my dad keeps saying, I guess I better go buy my wedding dress ;)
I just want to jump in a big pile of leaves. I want to read and write poetry. I want to wear huge scarves and listen to local acoustic bands in the coffee shop. I want to paint in the colors of the browning leaves. I want to fly kites during the day and carve silly pumpkins at night. I want photography. To be in it, to be behind the lens. I want to wear bright red lipstick and ld Lettermen jackets. I want to be INSPIRED by Autumn. I want to experience the illuminations and awakening of fall. I want to feel something NEW.
Kinda want to cut my hair :|

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