Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

The weird thing about sleepovers is how much you bond. And it's really silly because you spend the majority of your time just sleeping beside them. Isn't that strange that you wake up and feel so much closer to them? Maybe it's because in the darkness that night brings, I start to talk about things that I don't talk about in the day time. It's like how I worry about things at night that don't even concern me in the day. It's those kind of thoughts and secrets that I share that allow us to bond. Maybe that's it, I guess. And because people learn to accept me even though I'll eat them out of house and home ;) pancakes and listening to the radio. Lounging around all day watching Mtv. So much that I even got extremely attached to a cheer team that I deemed as 'my' cheer team. Sometimes you just need a day spent in bed wearing pajamas and not doing your hair and makeup until it's time to actually be seen in public. I could almost feel the stress roll off me and feel my love for everything come back. We went and saw footloose and I really liked it. I want to take ballroom dancing classes! Any dance classes really! It was a good movie, but honestly, Kevin Bacon did it better. Yesterday was perfect and extremely needed. Thank you for the day. Thank you for being my best friend for what feels like my whole entire life <3

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