Monday, October 3, 2011

Started not to give a fuck and not to fear the consequence

Today has been this entirely emotional confusing day and I'm extremely drained. I always hate losing any kinds of friends. I hate saying goodbye to even the slightest of people. And today's been like that I feel. Saying goodbye to some unimportant people and some really important people. It's hard, but I know it will still be ok, just different. The worst is when you don't even know why you have to say goodbye. Nik texted me again and told me how Jourdan is going through a lot and that I need to stop talking to him and her. ..I haven't talked to either of them in two weeks.. I honestly have no clue what he's talking about and I know I'm stupid, but yeah, it hurts. I FEEL DUMB EVEN SAYING THAT. But honestly, he was a really good friend and I don't know what even happened. I hate that I won't be able to just text him on a whim when I think about him. Because no I don't want to hook up with him, but I don't want him to hate me. I need to stop dwelling on it. I'm stupid for ever getting involved with that drama.
JayLynn cut her hair today and for about 3.5 seconds I considered cutting mine, but lets not get stupid! I've been growing it out for so long and I like it the way it is :) Then Andy came and saw me and everyone approved of him and think he's super cute :)) I really like showing him off :) Tonight was weird though. I was just kinda grumpy and I was just picking fights with Andy :( not huge life changing ones, but little annoying ones, and Princess, I just really need to say I'm sorry :( I'll make up for my behavior tonight, I promise. That's my day in a very miniscule nutshell.
I wish I didn't care about everything so much

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