Sunday, October 9, 2011

As long as you're with me, baby you'll be alright.

I certainly have a lot of catching up to do. Lets start on thursday. So on Thursday we had to do our midterm tests which are basically our finals for barbering because we're switching to cosmetology now. So on wednesday night I was supposed to study really hard for my theory test, but instead I read through the review once and went to bake cookies with Andy. Good plan, I know. So of course I was slightly worried for my test! But no worries, somehow I managed to only miss three. Out of a hundred. I'M A GENIUS. Then I had to do a practical test and we could either do a taper or a shave, and since I hadn't officially learned a taper I chose to do a shave. After A LOT of begging, pleading, and whining I got Andy to come in to be my model. Poor kid must have been nervous seeing my straight razor shaking in my hand as I prepared to perform my first stroke. He was a good sport though and really helped me calm down. I'm extremely grateful to him for that :) I got 94 on my shave which is still an A, but I wish I could have done better. Thursday night I closed and thank the Lord, Sara Tovar was there and that made me very happy because I hadn't seen her in so long and she's my work best friend :) We're pretty good at singing ;) 'My only concern is the next time ima get me someeee!' NOPE! ;) We have a pair of panties right now that says 'Ice cream and boys' what the random? So we tried to see a connection between the two... 'Licking' I laughed so hard. Sara is my favorite ever :)
So on Friday Andy convinced me to go to institute with him and Sarah Seastrand and it was a really good devotional and everything, but I was annoyed. Because I'm so insecure :( I know it's stupid to worry that Andy would leave me for Sarah because I KNOW he wouldn't do that, but I do know that she thinks he's good looking and she does want to get married and everything. The whole Robin Eric thing screwed me up. I worry about things I know I shouldn't. Because honestly Andy is a better guy than that and Sarah is a better friend than that. So why am I still worried?! Because I'm stupid. And I let it bother me all day. Me and Andy went on a date that night and we saw Dream House and I really liked it, but it almost sounded like I was THE ONLY ONE IN THE WHOLE THEATER that did! I thought it was good :) Whatever! :) Then after the movie I was sad again and I really just didn't know why :( I feel bad that Andy had to put up with my weird weirdness :(
Yesterday was mostly good. Work was actually really fun because I got to work with Sara again :) And I FINALLY have someone that doesn't like Tan! Because Sara was working up at the register and Tan sprayed her gorgeous perfume and no one really likes that smell and Tan wouldn't just admit that she sprayed her. And it was stupid, but everyone knows the best revenge is Rapture.... ;) we couldn't stop using british accents though :| 'Nigga say what' Just imagine it with an accent and you'll see why it's funny ;) STICK SHIFT! On my way home from work I saw Dylann and he flipped me off and I found this comical. Because that was high school... And I flip everyone off for everything so it has no meaning. Especially because the few times Andy has flipped me off, I've found him extremely attractive. Either way, I laughed the rest of the way home. Then I went to a wedding. I honestly have no idea which twin was even getting married, but I was there. And I had a good time :) even though it was outside so it was FREEZING! It was a nice wedding, but not like how I want mine to be. I hope Amber and Terrance are next to get married :) :) :) I went to Drake's house after and we all went to a coffee shop and it was really cool. Because it wasn't starbucks or anything stupid, it was the kind where people perform and it was fun. Drake brought his guitar and Mike sang an acoustic version of keep holding on and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. It was sad to watch him though. I remember when he used to sing about bitches and hoes. Not anymore though. Which isn't always so bad ;) on the way home he fell asleep even though it wasn't that late at all, so I went home a little earlier than I thought I would. When I got home I was just feeling really sad and looking back I don't know why. The last two days I've felt sad for no reason. I hope it stops soon.
Wedding flowers <3

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