Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When it rains, guess it pours, yes it does, wish there wasn't any pain. But I can't pretend there ain't.

You know what they worst part of growing up is? Watching everyone else grow up. Watching all of your friends get married. Saying goodbye when they leave for college. Going to missionary farewells. It's hard that we're all in different places now. A year ago, we were all in the same place. We were seniors. We were warriors. And we had senioritis. Now they're going to different schools, different countries, going through different stages of life. I was talking to Tiffany at work the other day and she was telling me about her life. She's 21. She has a son. She's been married and divorced. She is only 21. She doesn't recommend trying it. But I'm getting all these wedding invitations in the mail and all I can do is hope that it works for them. That's by far the hardest part of not being in high school. And no, I'm not saying I miss it. I'm just saying that I'll miss all of our lives being connected and being the same in at least that way.
I saw friends with benefits last night. I cried. Not about them being in love and screwing it up and getting back together. I cried because he took his pants of to eat lunch with his dad. And that touched my heart.
We got lost on our way to the fireworks so we didn't see any. But honestly I don't mind, because fireworks hold my attention for about five minutes, then I'm over it. You know how people always call valentines day single awareness day. Bro, fireworks are like the same thing. Single awareness activity, if you will.
Drake, Zak, you guys are the most amazing friends in the world. Thank you for being there <3
It's interesting talking to Benson again :) We decided that I'm going to write him on his mission and send him little packages FULL OF HATE ;) He's a fun kid. "The very first time I saw you I thought 'I want to get her number' then I saw you today and I thought 'I know that girl, dang she's cute. I need to get her number'"
I'm on my way to forgiving Skye for being such a douche to Drake. She genuinely seemed sorry. And good lord, that girl has the face of an angel, you can't even help but forgive her. It sucks! It's like how Drake can pull out his puppy eyes and you can't even be mad at him for a single second longer. How extremely rotten of them. Together, they made the most manipulating-puppy-dog-face-couple. ever. I'm proud of Drake for being her friend again, but not falling in love with her again.
McDonalds for breakfast and tanning <3

It just hit me that what if I would notta made it through? I think about the things I would never got to say to you.

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