Saturday, July 9, 2011

I don't really give a fuck and my excuse is that I'm young

So I was at work, right? And the most random thing ever happened. Like ever. The whole time in my head I was just like idgaf.
'Welcome to Victoria's secret how can I help you!'
'Hey, you're one of Kira's friends right?...'
'...I know her yeah'
'Did you know her pierced her septum?'
'Oh. No. That's cool.'
'I don't like it. You have yours done too, right?!'
'Yes...' (shows septum)
'Awh that looks so cute!'
'Thanks (pause) Would you like to try our new incredible bra?' :)
I then proceeded to bra fit this character that says she's a friend of Mitch's. Then she kept talking to me and I just had to politely nod because I can't be rude at work. I did bond over a poke`-walker with a girl a couple days ago though :)) And I saw a few of our old cheerleaders today :)) And the cute verizon wireless man winked at me when I was on break :) But I found out that the lady that comes in all the time to do her makeup, you know, the one that works at another kiosk in the mall, well, she's a SHOPLIFTER! Sarah caught her!!! So now I've gotta keep my eye on her! :)
Over the headset Ashley was like 'I just got complimented by a customer and now it feels like I'm on a cloud!' In the mirror I saw her even dancing like she was on a cloud :) About two seconds later a little girl told me that I'm really pretty. It really is like being on a cloud ;)
Today was super slowww. So then I went boating, like drove a little past eagle mountain to get there, and then it rains. Fml. And not just like sprinkles. It POURS. So then I got to go turn right back around and go home. But on the way home there was a super cute guy that we drove next to the whole time and we kind of like raced him but not really :) he was adorable :)
Day off tomorrow <33

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