Saturday, July 9, 2011

But then I see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy.

There was one of the most adorable guys ever that came in to work today. He asked for help to find a really sexy bra with no push up. He told me it was a gift for a friend, so he didn't want it too sexy, but sexy enough. He told me about how she was just a friend, nothing more. So I asked him what the occasion was. 'She's in remission from breast cancer.' My voice seriously got caught in my throat because I was so moved by what an amazing thing he was doing for her. He sounds like an amazing friend doing that for her. I hope the very best in life for her <3 you have no idea how much him coming in today moved me. I'm so thankful for that experience!
Ashley was finally back at work today and I really am glad, I hardly even know her but she always makes my day with her wild, crazy ideas. She has so many ideas, but one thing ever changes, she's gonna be famous. She's going to be Britney's best friend, she's going to be a Kardashian, she's going to be a basketball players wife, she's going to go on tour with kid cudi. Today she decided that she's going to open a night club. But for now she's just livin the dream at victoria's secret ;)
There's this girl at work that has never liked me, from day one she hasn't liked me. And in her subtle ways she shows it, never fully though. I think I discovered why today. I got the guy she wanted. oops ;)
That girl Miranda from my old child care class came into work today :) Why is everyone gauging there septums?! ...looks no bueno... NO BUENO. Hannah took her septum out, thank the lord, so it should heal up soon :) smart girl, that one :)
It takes about an hour to fix a completely disheveled panty bar. It takes one cheer team five minutes to ruin it all over again. Fml. Working retail has truly taught me to hate people. And to judge them based on how they greet me, how much they make a mess of things, and whether or not they're talking on a cell phone. I wonder what people think sometimes, honestly. 'Oh I don't want this huge bag of shit that I picked out anymore. I'll just leave it on the floor.' 'Oh oops, I just knocked everything off this table, I'll just walk away' 'Something fell of the hanger.... oh well' I HATE YOU, YOU UNCOURTEOUS PEOPLE!
Grow up, fast five, you're a joke. Movie in the park <3

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