Thursday, July 7, 2011

We touch, I feel a rush, we clutch, it isn't much.

Today at work I met the most adorable man ever :) he was SO SO SOO cute :) He was telling me about how he wanted to buy some sweats for his wife and so I asked him what the occasion was 'I just wanted to surprise her' YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER! So then he goes to the panty bar and he asks me which ones are the most comfortable. I find that adorable that he didn't pick out the sexiest panties, but the ones that are most comfortable to wear :) can I just find a guy like you already?! :)) I wish you the very best of luck with you and your wife. I hope she knows what a lucky woman she is <33
Then there was a girl there with her mom, and I'll say it now, her mom was a bitch. The girl wasn't a girly girl and the first thing she said was that she didn't want lace because she didn't think it was comfortable. But her mom insisted on lace panties. 'Stop being such a boy!' 'Be a girl for once!' I was FUMING. I wanted to be like 'stop being such a bitch. be a good mom for once!' But then her mom was like 'It's time to start wearing big girl panties!' 'Mom, I'm only 15' That broke my heart. Let her have her childhood if she wants it. Why does her underwear bother you so much anyways? How is that affecting you in any way? Why are you trying to force her to something she isn't? Why? My god, just listen to your daughter and care about her opinions more than your own. This whole situation just made me want to scream. I showed her the dream angels panties, they're lace, but they're the softest of the soft. I hope she liked them, the girl, not the retarded mom.
Hung out with the girlfriend yesterday <3 I love her :)) she cut my hair and we gossiped for a while. Told secrets and giggled. Tried to take pictures with bubbles, and she made me a duct tape rose <33 I forgot how STUNNING that girl is. Like she is seriously SO. Freaking. Beautiful. Inside and out. When we were talking about stuff she told me about how she can't fake things. She can't pretend to listen to someone, she can't pretend to like someone, she can't be fake. She can only be what she feels. And honestly I love how honest she is. I am so thankful that I met her. Her and Jess were there so much for me this year and they've practically become my sisters. Megan's birthday is next week. She's just barely turning 17, she seems so much older. Wise beyond her years I guess you could say. And absolutely stunning. Happy birthday, Girlfriend, I love you with my entire soul :) thank you for everything! I seriously love you, Megan <333
I woke up after the weirdest dream :| it was like a trek thing, it was snowing an everything. And Amber had died, so I was talking to Terrance about it (because they're like completely adorably in love) and I asked him how he was doing and he was just like 'ehh she was a bitch anyways' and even in my dream it confused me!! Then I saw Amber like in her coffin and they buried her with like a spinning wheel and like reigns. Then we got sucked into this level with like mario and all these weird shapes and we had to throw things at each other and if we got hit we would get bigger and if we hit other people we'd get smaller. So the goal was to get smaller, but we were so many levels down it was hard and it stressed me out so much. It was terrible! ...Have your dad analyze that one, Terbear ;)
I went to the gym tonight. And I guess my yoga shorts are a teensie bit shorter than I realized. ...ok it looked like I was just wearing underwear :| it was disturbing how many guys wouldn't stop staring... and good ol paco or whatever his name is was there... as always... I swear EVERY TIME I go there, he's there too...
'Why are these warm?' ....they were in my bra 'GROSS NOW I HAVE TO GO WASH MY HANDS!!!' ;))
I have to come to grips with the fact that I'm addicted to the pretty little liars books...
Lately I've been listening to newer eminem stuff and it disturbs me that I like it. I still like his old stuff better though! Don't get mistaken!!!

Goodnight, sweethearts <33 xxxxx

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