Saturday, July 9, 2011

House rules:

My blog is MY place. You know what that means, kiddo? It means that if I feel like shit talking one day, I'm gonna shit talk. And that not a single person can take that away from me or stop me. If I want to rant, I'll be rantin and ravin all I want. It means that if I ever felt inclined to pour out some secrets, I definitely could do that. I can name drop. I can document. I can vocalize. I can even keep some anonymous. Basically I can do whateverrr I want. And I don't give a shit if that bugs you or not, because once again, this is MY blog. You don't have to read it if you're too upset by it. Because 1. I'm not changing my content and 2. NOBODY tells me what I can and can't discuss.
You know what MY blog really means? It means that I'll say whatever the hell is on my mind just because I can.
Just an FYI to all those who forgot that my name is Adriana Perschon and I'll always do what I want <3

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