Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summertime pictorials.

Summer Jam <3


Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm in love with this feeling

Today was such a busy day :))
We went to Nathan's birthday party because I love that kid very mucho :) He's so freaking adorable :) he had a bouncy town thing. No big deal, me and jammin planked it. ;)
Then SUMMER JAM! It was so much fun :) New boyzzzz :)))) We had such good spots too, I could see absolutely everything. The girls behind me couldn't and they were bitching but I was like idgaf I came here for ME to see new boys not for you to see them. When legacy took off his shirt, there wasn't anything that could get between me and that eight pack. My lord, he's so effing hott. 'Call me legacy, bitch' I'll call you anything you want me to, baby. There was a pretty legit rap battle :) My favorite white guy won :) he was so funny :) rap battles are my favee. Yeah, I'm super tired now. Pictures later.
Benson's favorite book is 'man's search for meaning' so I went and checked it out. It's pretty good so far. He's adorable :)
goodnight, loves xxxxxx

My relationship defined:

When we fight:
(said quite threateningly) 'Do you want a girlfriend at the end of the day??!?!'
'Do you want me to buy you shit?!?!!'
Damnit. He always wins.

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.

'Adri, I have a pants problem' Truth is, he was stuck at buckle trying to decide whether to buy the jeans or not. I voted yes. I also voted yes on the jersey and matching hat. My boyfriend is seriously so hott. I saw the end result with the outfit all put together and it was just like dayum, I've got one attractive boy all to myself ;) I am one insanely lucky lady <3
(Whilst playing video games) Dixon, darling: 'MOTHER FUU' (looks at me, mid profanity) *silence*
There was a child playing with a stick wand outside and he pointed it at a spider and shouted 'AVADA KEDAVRA' The spider then crumpled and died. I stared at him. He stared at me. Neither of us said anything. Then he started to point that stick at me. I ran for my life.
I'm so grateful for Anya. Yesterday, I dragged myself over to work. (I say the word dragged because I was suffering from a terrible migraine) And as soon as she heard that I felt pretty under the weather, she sent me on my way to get better. I love my work <3
I'm really excited to give Benson a tour of Salt lake one of these days :) Adorable kid :)
'We have edible whipped cream at work!!!' .... :|
Well, I suppose I'll be on my merry way to the tanning salon now xxxxx

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Too beautiful to die, too wild to live.

I've been working so much lately that it's a joke!
Yesterday was way fun though :) There was a super super cute indie boy that came in and I went and immediately told Karen about him! 'Don't look at him!' Then I make eye contact with him, and we both look away really fast. Then somehow my launch bra is on my head. I'm smooth. And there was THE SEXIEST business man that came in. Like seriously OHEMGEEEE! I love men in suits. SO hott. Talking to Ande about boy troubles is great :)
Today was a really long day. One to close. That's nine and a half hours incase you aren't good at math. I was trippin BALLS near the end of this one. And what was super irritating was that I was supposed to work until nine, but Shantay called in 'sick' so I had to cover it. I KNOW SHE WASN'T SICK! She texted me yesterday and asked me to cover it and I said no! She just wanted to go to the twilight concert! WELL I DID TOO! I actually really like Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros :( And I missed them. My feet hella hurt. If I had a dime for every gay guy I encounter during my day.. There was THE hottest one today. He was so tall, tan, and muscular. Even had an Australian accent. I was drooling... SO FETCHING GORGEOUS. I enjoy Hannah's company very much. Beautiful girl, that one. We went home today sporting bright red lips :)
Goodnight, I'm much much too tired.
It must be the ganja? Ha, it's definitely the ganja.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

'Cool story, bro, now go play in the sandbox' ...I'ma be such a good mother.

When it rains, guess it pours, yes it does, wish there wasn't any pain. But I can't pretend there ain't.

You know what they worst part of growing up is? Watching everyone else grow up. Watching all of your friends get married. Saying goodbye when they leave for college. Going to missionary farewells. It's hard that we're all in different places now. A year ago, we were all in the same place. We were seniors. We were warriors. And we had senioritis. Now they're going to different schools, different countries, going through different stages of life. I was talking to Tiffany at work the other day and she was telling me about her life. She's 21. She has a son. She's been married and divorced. She is only 21. She doesn't recommend trying it. But I'm getting all these wedding invitations in the mail and all I can do is hope that it works for them. That's by far the hardest part of not being in high school. And no, I'm not saying I miss it. I'm just saying that I'll miss all of our lives being connected and being the same in at least that way.
I saw friends with benefits last night. I cried. Not about them being in love and screwing it up and getting back together. I cried because he took his pants of to eat lunch with his dad. And that touched my heart.
We got lost on our way to the fireworks so we didn't see any. But honestly I don't mind, because fireworks hold my attention for about five minutes, then I'm over it. You know how people always call valentines day single awareness day. Bro, fireworks are like the same thing. Single awareness activity, if you will.
Drake, Zak, you guys are the most amazing friends in the world. Thank you for being there <3
It's interesting talking to Benson again :) We decided that I'm going to write him on his mission and send him little packages FULL OF HATE ;) He's a fun kid. "The very first time I saw you I thought 'I want to get her number' then I saw you today and I thought 'I know that girl, dang she's cute. I need to get her number'"
I'm on my way to forgiving Skye for being such a douche to Drake. She genuinely seemed sorry. And good lord, that girl has the face of an angel, you can't even help but forgive her. It sucks! It's like how Drake can pull out his puppy eyes and you can't even be mad at him for a single second longer. How extremely rotten of them. Together, they made the most manipulating-puppy-dog-face-couple. ever. I'm proud of Drake for being her friend again, but not falling in love with her again.
McDonalds for breakfast and tanning <3

It just hit me that what if I would notta made it through? I think about the things I would never got to say to you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just promise me.

Life is crazy! I feel like I've been so busy :) Tanning, working, sleeping <3
I watched soul surfer. And cried. Of course.
I went and hiked up to the u and watched all the fireworks :) It was absolutely stunning. The sunset, the fireworks, everything. There have only been a few times where I have been completely taken away in such a beautiful moment. Last night and last year at starvation were the most memorable occasions. And my first kiss, but that was for different reasons. Listening to eminem and watching fireworks is the best combination in the world.
I volunteered for the parade again this year. Me and Jammin, the ever faithful pooper scoopers ;) It was SOO SO SO SOOOOO cool though, because you would never believe who I saw!!! BENSON! Benson as in the boy I was completely in love with my first year of efy! He's so chill! He was always the guy to escort me and ask me to slow dance and he cried when he was bearing his testimony! He is freaking adorable. He isn't the most attractive guy, but for some reason, I've always thought that he was.Anyways, so I haven't seen him in three years, mainly because he lives in st george! But there he was!!!! Everyone was just screaming 'Adri do you remember Zac?!' So I was like wtf who's zac? So then I saw him and it was like a movie :) because I literally jumped into his arms :) I forgot how much that kid means to me :) I don't even know why :) He told me he'd get my number on facebook :) I really hope he does :))
There were some of the cutest guys there earlier at the parade :) they were in my section so I passed them  a million times, so after about the three hundredth time they held up a sign for me :) there were five of them, so each of them help up a word and in the end it spelled 'will you marry me ?' :) :) :) It made my freaking day :) Then when I passed them again one held up a sign that said 'I'm single' Me too buddy, me too :) Then there was the awkward time when someone from the crowd randomly screamed 'nice ass!' ...Why do they say that so much to me?! ;) If I had a dime for every wolf whistle I got ;)
I've been talking to Nathaniel quite a bit again lately :) he makes me smile so big :) bigger than anyone else :) and it's weird because sometimes I get the feeling that I'm supposed to talk to him, like it's meant to happen, like it's supposed to happen. It's very strange. The only time I've ever had that feeling before was to text Geoff and when I did he told me that he was extremely depressed. Anyways, so I dunno :) I just really like talking to Nate :) I hope we hang out soon :) I just want to give him the biggest hug ever :)
We're doing training at work because I'm now more than a seasonal employee and it's been super fun :) I've gotten closer to both Jenny and Chelsea and I've been learning some pretty interesting stuff :) I'm WAY excited for our extensive bra training :) I really like my job at the moment :)
Gunno go see more fireworks tonight with Eric. I love July just for the fireworks :)
It's been a pretty amazing week <3

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Please don't mind what I'm trying to say, because I'm being honest.

Work was super fun tonight :) we closed with all the right people and had a blast :) I haven't laughed that hard in a while :) It was ingrie's last day though and I'm super duper going to miss her :( Shantay and Katherine make my life! :) We gossiped about little miss shape ups aka frodo and all about how wolfgang is going to get punched in the nuts. It was good, but sad because most of those girls tonight have put in their two week notice already. I just want work to be fun and happy :( hopefully it still will be.
I was thinking about my favorite Ingrie moment of all time and it was when we were closing and there was some 'huggies' underwear (they look like those jean diapers) on a mannequins head. 'Get that shit off that bitches head!'
There was the biggest bitch that came into today. There were seriously six workers helping her and she still had the audacity to say that it was the worst service she's ever had. SORRY WE DON'T HAVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT, PRINCESS. She was such a douche, we showed her some things but she was like 'that looks too cheap, I won't buy it' don't think you're ugly, trashy ed hardy jeans don't look cheap?... The worst part was that she came in at like 8:50. Get OUT. We close at nine!!!!
After that though it was all fabulous :)
goodnight xxxxx

Friday, July 22, 2011

And we go down, down, down like shooting stars.

I've gotten a liking to writing things in lists for some strange reason. I've found it to be more efficient and energy saving. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm quite lazy recently. I wake up way too late in the day, I mosey my way on over to Victoria's secret (whether I have work or not. It's an addiction. It's bad) then eventually I meander my way back on home, my head will hit the pillow and I'm gone. That's my summer :) 'WHOA, Adri, you're summer is so cool!!!' Bro, I know, right. I just need to calm down! I'm actually quite satisfied with the way things are turning out. I'm developing life lessons, and isn't that the best thing if you think of it in an adult-grand-scheme-of-life type way. On facebook you see everyone falling in and out of love. Constantly. They're all just looking for love. While they're on their journey of finding someone else, I'm on the journey to finding my self. Well, not even that. Life isn't really about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself, isn't it? Of course love is on my mind (I'm an eighteen year old girl, lets be honest...) but it's not my priority. I recently told someone exactly what my perfect man would be like. The result was me simply meshing three boys together. These three boys will remain anonymous simply because I'm embarrassed of the three I chose. Hint: I can't have any of them because they're taken. Pshhh when has that ever stopped me, right? But I dunno, for some reason I'm just not in the mood the break anyone's heart, or steal anyone's man. Yesterday at work I had a boy come in that looked exactly like my 'boyfriend' but he was holding another girls hand. My heart seriously dropped and I was suddenly way too aware or how loud and fast it was beating. He isn't even my boyfriend!!! I don't know why I had that reaction! I suppose it's simply due to my protective instincts. You know, like how elephants... just kidding I'll stop that analogy dead in it's tracks.
I learn a lot of silly things at work. I had a bride come in yesterday. She's getting married tomorrow. But she's lost a lot of weight in her boobs, so now her dress doesn't fit her up top. This resulted in her rampaging about the store trying to find something tight enough to lift herself up and make her appear big again. Silly woman, it's called emergency alterations. I definitely learned that I don't like stressed out brides. Result- I will never never be a wedding planner.
Call me crazy, but I've been really into poetry recently. I think a lot of it is because I miss Luke reading it to me more than I thought I would. It's a really relaxing sport in a way ;) maybe when he gets back from his senior trip we'll be able to resume out nighttime poetry readings. And I'm sure after two months in France, his french will be even sexier. Maybe in some crazy universe I'll even be inspired enough to write poetry. Poetry is just like a rap battle eh? And how pro would I be if I could do that? ;) ;)
I'm going to get another tanning pass today. I'm too pale for my own good, and I miss how relaxing that was. I need to start relaxing again. So as I sit here, blogging and soaking my feet, I've resolved to fall asleep at night not over-thinking like usual, but talking to god longer. Yeah yeah, I know that sounds silly, but it's nice to be able to tell someone absolutely everything. I'll wake up but still stay in bed a little longer and think about what I really want to accomplish for the day. Work has just stressed me out so much lately, so I'm going to stop taking it so seriously. Life is a joke, so I better start laughing at it more often. I need a spa day. Maybe I'll take a day off work and do just that. Spend the day melting to relaxing music and a european facial. Buy some stunning buckle jeans that make me feel like a million bucks. Then spend the day with some Walt Whitman. After talking about absolutely nothing, I feel much more relaxed. I'm sure it's due to the bubbly goodness that my feet are chillin in. I need an artistic outlet. Where's my camera?! Where's my poem book?!?! Actually, legitly, where is my iPhone? I need to play an instrument! I need to go somewhere, a change of scene. Just for the weekend or something. Alright I've talked about nothing for long enough.
Have an amazing day, my loves. xx

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stiffen that upper lip up.

  • Finally saw Harry Potter. Bawled my eyes out. The entire movie.
  • Watched Iron giant. Cried.
  • Watched Beastly. Cried.
  • Made pancakes. Got SOAKED by the water hose thing. 
  • Got tricked into getting soaked by the water hose thing AGAIN.
  • Talked to Nathaniel for a momento 
  • Got convinced that the v show was a show full of strippers.
  • Probably cried about some other stupid stuff, just to cry.
Dear Period, go away. You're making me WAY too emotional. Don't worry though my friends, eventually I'll stop my crying.
Last night was great :) I'm so thankful for friends <3

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Makin money the flyyy wayyy

Watched Tangled with Michael and went to five guys :) many good conversations :) Utah utah utah! Byu
Sleepover tonighttt.
I was gonna kick some lady's balls last night at work. She WATCHED me slave over my panty bar, so when I saw her start to destroy it I was like (and quite politely I should add) 'Only mediums are on top can I have you shop below in the drawers' 'Well, I just found a large so I'll keep going' BITCHBITCHBITCH. It took me THREE HOURS and she wrecked it in fifteen minutes. So I had to completely redo it because our district manager was coming. I was about to punch a baby when Drake came in and saw me :)) He's the best boyfriend EVER ;)) So he texted me today 'Nice seeing you last night, baby. That was one sexy bra' He made me sound like such a slut! I HAD A SEXY BRA ON MY ARM OK?! Tool :))
I got some lil wayne accent going on up in hurr.

Monday, July 18, 2011

And I'll treat you, love, oh just like a princess.

I got home around 1:45 ish last night. I'm too tired. Work, you so silly.
There was this girl that was working with me and I seriously wanted to bash her head into a wall because she is so stupid. It's lingerie! Said like lawn-jer-ayy She seriously said it like linger-ey. 'Beauty and linger-ey. What is linger-ey? Is it lotion?' YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE THE CHILDREN THAT YOU DO. ...especially because she was devilish enough to name her son Wolfgang. But don't worry, they call him Wolfie for short. ....hlech. That kid is gonna get beat up.... And she had the audacity to say that candice isn't pretty. OF COURSE SHE IS PRETTY! THAT'S WHY WE'RE RIPPING DOWN A GIANT POSTER OF HER! BECAUSE SHE'S A MODEL!!!!
I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm slightly grumpy. Just slightly....
It was kind of crazy last night at work though. We were all kind of hearing things. Like if someone was there, but there wasn't anyone. We even heard a little kid say 'Daddy' but there wasn't a single child in that mall. Not at one in the morning and especially not in Victoria's Secret. HAUNTED.
On a brighter note, at least I'm a rap battle-ist CHAMPION. CAMPION!!!!
No work tomorrow or wednesday <3 gonna have a sleepover with my best friend :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Remember how I told you my biggest fear was dying before Harry potter part two came out?
Now my biggest fear is working so much that I still won't get to see it. I have tuesday and wednesday off, so hopefully I don't die before then!!!
After that, my biggest fear will be never finding out who A is on pretty little liars ;)

Do you have a name or can I call you mine?

Such a cute couple ;)

You know what the most amazing part of my job is?
3 bras for the price of one!!!! :) :) :) hello three brand spankin new body by victoria's for only $15 bucks each. You know what else is completely amazing? Getting a free bra just for working there!!!! :) :) :) I HAVE WAY TOO MANY BRAS ANYWAYS BUT I DON'T EVEN CARE!!!! .... it's called an addiction.
We had a meeting today and we met our new store manager. I like her a lot :) she seems way chill so far :)
I've just been in a very spoiling mood lately and I'm taking it out on my mom. What is a spoiling mood (I'm sure you were wondering) well, a spoiling mood is the desire to spoil someone in crazy amounts. The result is buying my mom a super cute Pink hoodie, three new bras, and a super cute water bottle. this mood+30% discount at victoria's secret+having the best mom in the world= buying my mom stuff :) I love you mumma :)
I need to see my girlfriend so I can give her a late birthday present :) I miss her :)
Work tonight <3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I suppose the secret to happiness is learning to appreciate the moment.

Bro, my boobs are so massive. Not even kidding, I've been falling out of my bra. I'm seriously an extremely full c-cup right now. Thank youuu period boobs :) :) :)
At work today I watched a guy on drugs like tweak out and get arrested. Thank you huge glass doors at Victoria's Secret :))
Unfortunately I also watched a ten year old buying bras even though she was a 28aa and had no need for a bra. Her little six year old sister was buying some of our panties. Kids these days, growing up way too fast.
Such a long day. I'm a tad exhausted. Direct tv thief woman came in seriously three times today. Crazy lady.

Do you think the stars are in love?
Perhaps they are not stars, but an opening in heaven, where the love of our lost loves pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
So maybe in some way, they really are in love.

So go ahead and run your mouth so everyone can hear.

I opened today with this girl cassie and she decided to put on some music. Sara Barielles. Then some Bruno Mars. And to top it off... paramore. I was ready to punch a freaking hole in the wall. Hate hate HATE. Can we get some atmosphere or eminem up in this grill?! Work was decent today though :)
Random chick to her friend: 'Look at how cute she is! She should be IN pink!' (to me) 'You should be IN pink. You should be a MODEL!' hair is in a sloppy ponytail. Thank you though :)) Direct tv thief woman came in today! I sure gave her some special customer assistance. SHE WILL NOT STEAL FROM ME!!!! Ande and her boyfriend broke up... it's sad, but she honestly deserves such an amazing guy and now she can finally find him <3
Horrible bosses tonight <3 not that good of a movie, but oh well.
I am seriously so sad that Harry Potter is over. That was such a huge part of my childhood. I even remember coming home from school in third grade and my parents surprised me because they already bought the first movie for me. I even remember how they lied and said they bought it from some man named jose or something just to make me upset ;) But it's over now.... my wizarding world is over... I never even got my acceptance letter to hogwarts :( I love you Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Thank you, J.K. Rowling. You added so much more to my childhood.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A few pictorials ;)

Katie <3

I'm fricken hilarious.... 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And I'd give up forever to touch you

I bought roses for my best friend today :))
The day was spent in riverton with miss Katie Allen <3 we wasted wayy too much time playing sims :) We found an old game that we made a super duper long time ago. It's so crazy seeing it for the first time in like a year. On it, me and Eric are now married and have two kids. Terance and Triton. Triton is bisexual and Terance has no skills. Oh and the very best part of my sims life... we put a bar in the basement before we even finished the house. Apparently my sims family is a BUNCH OF ALCOHOLICS ;)
Then we decided to do some hunting ;) on xbox... We were on the prowl for a black bear (wow, we obviously sound cool) but then we turned around and there was a HUGE MOOSE! We screamed so loud :)
Layers! It's so hot under all these layers!!! 'You can't just wear a wifebeater!!!' ;)
Lisa makes the most amazing pasta in this entire universe :) :) :) I love mamma Allen <3
It was a pretty great day <33
Katie Allen <333 It's crazy looking back at how long me and this woman have been friends. Absolutely crazy
This chick chandler was talking mad shit on Nik, so I hella had his back and told her what was up.
WTF :) Well That's Fantastic ;)
What the duck! God donut! ;))

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

There was a picture of me on my dashboard on tumblr. It had quite a few notes.
Fifteen minutes of fame feels good.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pictorials of living the dream

Oh, you know, breakfast. Hello, exposed tummy.

Tank is too cuddly for his own good :)) I love him wayy too much :))

They look a TON better in person...

Whispering you the lullaby of my heart

Miracle of miracles: (seriously, I got on my knees and thanked the lord for this one) I woke up this morning with a missed call from work. So I was trippin balls that I missed a shift or something, so I listened to my voicemail 'Hey, love. This is Ingrie from Victoria's secret we aren't doing inventory so we won't use your 6-2:30 shift' :) :) :) :) I DON'T HAVE TO WORK TILL TWO IN THE MORNING!!!! :) :) :) :) I LOVE YOU INGRIE!!!! Immediately, I  thanked the lord and then danced around a bit ;)
Ice-cream for breakfast like an absolute cool kid :)) then I went bra shopping and got THE most adorable matching set :)) It's a dream angles with like lace and stuff it's SO freaking adorable :) And Katherine and Ande convinced me to get the matching panties so here I am with a cute matching set and no one to show ;) (no, I won't show you, Drake. No, I won't show you either, Tera)
Yesterday we went boating and it was wayy fun :) the water was hella rough, but we survived. I have a billion bruises all over my body now, but it was totally worth it :)) I LOVE boating :)) Brandon on water skis is a priceless sight to behold. And what's that I outlasted all the boys? Yupp, I can handle the rough seas better than any stupid ol boy. (Honestly, I was just too afraid to let go) ;)
My nails are done up all super cute :) They're like midnight blue with silver sparkles stuck in :)) Maybe pictures later :)

Warped tour > wedding.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What we have is worth fighting for.

I had this dream about him. About Nathaniel, I mean. It was strange, but I can't stop thinking about it. We went to some private school together and we were really good friends. He gave me one of his rings that he always wore and for some reason I can still see that ring perfectly. It was gold with like aztec lines all over it. But then later he gave me another ring. This one was really important to him, way more important than the other one he gave me. It was black with a huge black flower on it. I put it on my ring finger, but it was way too big. So after a while I took it off and set it on my counter next to the watch that Eric gave me. Me and Nathaniel were in my backyard and he asked about the ring, but suddenly I didn't know if I had purposely taken it off or if I had lost it. So I ran inside and found it and put it back on my ring finger. Only this time, it fit absolutely perfectly.
I wish I knew why I dreamt about something so absolutely silly.

'You know what's pathetic? Yesterday me and Mike were driving around when that song came on. The 'if I die young' song. I looked at him and saw him singing along with tears in his eyes, and I just lost it.' It's not just you that afraid of losing him, sweetheart. I think all of us are afraid to see what this world is going to be like without him in it. See if it will be less happy, less sunny, maybe slightly less perverted, less funny, just less. Maybe it won't be dramatic to anyone but us, but I'm still terrified to see what this world is going to be like without 'Makin my way downtown Mike' There's no time to cry about it though, no time to just wonder why some people die young, there's no time to wallow in self pity. You can hate that cancer is killing him, but you can't hate what cancer has done for him. How it's changed him from a boy to a man. How it's changed YOU from a boy to a man. How close it's brought both of you. Recognize the good, but don't think of what will or won't happen. Eventually the world might be less, but for now it's more. Darling, don't worry. Le tout sera ok, mon amour.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

House rules:

My blog is MY place. You know what that means, kiddo? It means that if I feel like shit talking one day, I'm gonna shit talk. And that not a single person can take that away from me or stop me. If I want to rant, I'll be rantin and ravin all I want. It means that if I ever felt inclined to pour out some secrets, I definitely could do that. I can name drop. I can document. I can vocalize. I can even keep some anonymous. Basically I can do whateverrr I want. And I don't give a shit if that bugs you or not, because once again, this is MY blog. You don't have to read it if you're too upset by it. Because 1. I'm not changing my content and 2. NOBODY tells me what I can and can't discuss.
You know what MY blog really means? It means that I'll say whatever the hell is on my mind just because I can.
Just an FYI to all those who forgot that my name is Adriana Perschon and I'll always do what I want <3

I don't really give a fuck and my excuse is that I'm young

So I was at work, right? And the most random thing ever happened. Like ever. The whole time in my head I was just like idgaf.
'Welcome to Victoria's secret how can I help you!'
'Hey, you're one of Kira's friends right?...'
'...I know her yeah'
'Did you know her pierced her septum?'
'Oh. No. That's cool.'
'I don't like it. You have yours done too, right?!'
'Yes...' (shows septum)
'Awh that looks so cute!'
'Thanks (pause) Would you like to try our new incredible bra?' :)
I then proceeded to bra fit this character that says she's a friend of Mitch's. Then she kept talking to me and I just had to politely nod because I can't be rude at work. I did bond over a poke`-walker with a girl a couple days ago though :)) And I saw a few of our old cheerleaders today :)) And the cute verizon wireless man winked at me when I was on break :) But I found out that the lady that comes in all the time to do her makeup, you know, the one that works at another kiosk in the mall, well, she's a SHOPLIFTER! Sarah caught her!!! So now I've gotta keep my eye on her! :)
Over the headset Ashley was like 'I just got complimented by a customer and now it feels like I'm on a cloud!' In the mirror I saw her even dancing like she was on a cloud :) About two seconds later a little girl told me that I'm really pretty. It really is like being on a cloud ;)
Today was super slowww. So then I went boating, like drove a little past eagle mountain to get there, and then it rains. Fml. And not just like sprinkles. It POURS. So then I got to go turn right back around and go home. But on the way home there was a super cute guy that we drove next to the whole time and we kind of like raced him but not really :) he was adorable :)
Day off tomorrow <33

But then I see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy.

There was one of the most adorable guys ever that came in to work today. He asked for help to find a really sexy bra with no push up. He told me it was a gift for a friend, so he didn't want it too sexy, but sexy enough. He told me about how she was just a friend, nothing more. So I asked him what the occasion was. 'She's in remission from breast cancer.' My voice seriously got caught in my throat because I was so moved by what an amazing thing he was doing for her. He sounds like an amazing friend doing that for her. I hope the very best in life for her <3 you have no idea how much him coming in today moved me. I'm so thankful for that experience!
Ashley was finally back at work today and I really am glad, I hardly even know her but she always makes my day with her wild, crazy ideas. She has so many ideas, but one thing ever changes, she's gonna be famous. She's going to be Britney's best friend, she's going to be a Kardashian, she's going to be a basketball players wife, she's going to go on tour with kid cudi. Today she decided that she's going to open a night club. But for now she's just livin the dream at victoria's secret ;)
There's this girl at work that has never liked me, from day one she hasn't liked me. And in her subtle ways she shows it, never fully though. I think I discovered why today. I got the guy she wanted. oops ;)
That girl Miranda from my old child care class came into work today :) Why is everyone gauging there septums?! ...looks no bueno... NO BUENO. Hannah took her septum out, thank the lord, so it should heal up soon :) smart girl, that one :)
It takes about an hour to fix a completely disheveled panty bar. It takes one cheer team five minutes to ruin it all over again. Fml. Working retail has truly taught me to hate people. And to judge them based on how they greet me, how much they make a mess of things, and whether or not they're talking on a cell phone. I wonder what people think sometimes, honestly. 'Oh I don't want this huge bag of shit that I picked out anymore. I'll just leave it on the floor.' 'Oh oops, I just knocked everything off this table, I'll just walk away' 'Something fell of the hanger.... oh well' I HATE YOU, YOU UNCOURTEOUS PEOPLE!
Grow up, fast five, you're a joke. Movie in the park <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We touch, I feel a rush, we clutch, it isn't much.

Today at work I met the most adorable man ever :) he was SO SO SOO cute :) He was telling me about how he wanted to buy some sweats for his wife and so I asked him what the occasion was 'I just wanted to surprise her' YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER! So then he goes to the panty bar and he asks me which ones are the most comfortable. I find that adorable that he didn't pick out the sexiest panties, but the ones that are most comfortable to wear :) can I just find a guy like you already?! :)) I wish you the very best of luck with you and your wife. I hope she knows what a lucky woman she is <33
Then there was a girl there with her mom, and I'll say it now, her mom was a bitch. The girl wasn't a girly girl and the first thing she said was that she didn't want lace because she didn't think it was comfortable. But her mom insisted on lace panties. 'Stop being such a boy!' 'Be a girl for once!' I was FUMING. I wanted to be like 'stop being such a bitch. be a good mom for once!' But then her mom was like 'It's time to start wearing big girl panties!' 'Mom, I'm only 15' That broke my heart. Let her have her childhood if she wants it. Why does her underwear bother you so much anyways? How is that affecting you in any way? Why are you trying to force her to something she isn't? Why? My god, just listen to your daughter and care about her opinions more than your own. This whole situation just made me want to scream. I showed her the dream angels panties, they're lace, but they're the softest of the soft. I hope she liked them, the girl, not the retarded mom.
Hung out with the girlfriend yesterday <3 I love her :)) she cut my hair and we gossiped for a while. Told secrets and giggled. Tried to take pictures with bubbles, and she made me a duct tape rose <33 I forgot how STUNNING that girl is. Like she is seriously SO. Freaking. Beautiful. Inside and out. When we were talking about stuff she told me about how she can't fake things. She can't pretend to listen to someone, she can't pretend to like someone, she can't be fake. She can only be what she feels. And honestly I love how honest she is. I am so thankful that I met her. Her and Jess were there so much for me this year and they've practically become my sisters. Megan's birthday is next week. She's just barely turning 17, she seems so much older. Wise beyond her years I guess you could say. And absolutely stunning. Happy birthday, Girlfriend, I love you with my entire soul :) thank you for everything! I seriously love you, Megan <333
I woke up after the weirdest dream :| it was like a trek thing, it was snowing an everything. And Amber had died, so I was talking to Terrance about it (because they're like completely adorably in love) and I asked him how he was doing and he was just like 'ehh she was a bitch anyways' and even in my dream it confused me!! Then I saw Amber like in her coffin and they buried her with like a spinning wheel and like reigns. Then we got sucked into this level with like mario and all these weird shapes and we had to throw things at each other and if we got hit we would get bigger and if we hit other people we'd get smaller. So the goal was to get smaller, but we were so many levels down it was hard and it stressed me out so much. It was terrible! ...Have your dad analyze that one, Terbear ;)
I went to the gym tonight. And I guess my yoga shorts are a teensie bit shorter than I realized. ...ok it looked like I was just wearing underwear :| it was disturbing how many guys wouldn't stop staring... and good ol paco or whatever his name is was there... as always... I swear EVERY TIME I go there, he's there too...
'Why are these warm?' ....they were in my bra 'GROSS NOW I HAVE TO GO WASH MY HANDS!!!' ;))
I have to come to grips with the fact that I'm addicted to the pretty little liars books...
Lately I've been listening to newer eminem stuff and it disturbs me that I like it. I still like his old stuff better though! Don't get mistaken!!!

Goodnight, sweethearts <33 xxxxx

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So my amazing friend Drake somehow convinced me that I should read pretty little liars. So I went and got it from the library yesterday. This resulted in me staying up all night to read it. And I finished it. This also resulted in me going to the library at 10:00 in the morning (when I'm still usually ASLEEP!) to go get the second one. BUT IT WASN'T THERE! And now I'm unhappy about it :| I got the third one though, just to be prepared.
Off to get my haircut by my girlfriend <33

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

But I swear I won't forget you.

So I went to ensign peak to go watch all the fireworks and it was absolutely stunning. The lights, the fireworks, it was all just gorgeous. But there was a bunch of super noisy kids there and they kept talking about this kid 'cj' so right before we left we hucked a huge rock at em, just to let em know that they're buggin. And I know it hit one of them because they let out an ow-howl. So then we get to the bottom of the hill and Heather Garcia is there. I think we threw a rock at Cj Strong :|
So then on our way home, just cruisin in the mini coop, we get hit on our side. By a HUGE white van. And luckily it isn't too bad at all, but some of the guys had clearly been drinking and they all told us just not to call the cops and to go on our merry way. So of course we called the cops! It was a joke of a night, but it was fun.
There are a lot of people in this world that feel that they can pull off any piercing. This is incorrect. You look like shit with that thing in your nose, sweetie.
They informed me today that they are keeping me on for more than seasonal at Victoria's secret :) SCORE. Still gonna have a job in the fall :)
Goodnight <3

Monday, July 4, 2011

Life is bangin <3

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I spent my time writing you a love letter

I'll try to compile everything from the last few days into one post. Expect to be confused, because this is going to be one hell of a random blurb.
'Do you ever masturbate about masturbating?! It'd be like inception!' ;)
At work this week: I bra fitted a man, got a ton of people to buy the incredible, got very competitive about bra fittings, winked at an attractive customer, helped a young girl pick out her first grown up panties, got told I was beautiful, saw that girl Mary that I hung out with with matt that one time, decided that I don't like the lady that comes and does her makeup between her breaks, got offered a tip, and got paid. That's right. I'm Adri PAYCHECK Perschon ;) So what did I do? I went to Victoria's secret and bought all the stuff I was forced to look at while I work. Yep... now I'm a proud owner of a tonnn of utes stuff. Even though I have no preference for that school in any way...
Today I went to Herriman lake with Ben and Justin and it was pretty fun :) I met a little girl who pointed to Justin 'Is that your son?' My jaw dropped! So I told her no and asked her how old I looked?! '37.' GREAT. Now I've gotta worry about how old I'm starting to look ;) I must look really slutty in my swim suit or something because then I had two guys ask me if that little girl was mine. NO! I DO NOT HAVE ANY CHILDREN. They were dumb guys though. They didn't know what pessimistic or optimistic meant. I weep for my generation.
Onion soup and steak fondue <3 video games and wrestling. A controlling mom that isn't my own. The ingredients for a perfect night. Terance.Dixon.Drake.Tera.Adri<3
It's ultimate approval when their dad says that they would have hooked up with your girl when they were your age ;)
My dad: 'You're wearing that to dinner?!' '...yes' 'You should wear a wedding dress just to scare him!' 'I think that actually might make them happy' ;) Don't worry, Dad, I told them how I'd considered wearing a wedding dress. Sadly enough, Tera really did seem pleased... Parents these days... so willing to give their children away...
I can't even remember anything anymore <3 Summer is good so far :) Hopefully fireworks with Mikey tomorrow :) Can't wait for summer jam with my man t-pain ;)
Goodnight lovelies.
 I love America just btw. Happy fourth of July tomorrow <333 xxxxx

Friday, July 1, 2011

Without fail, when a girlfriend discovers that their man is best friends with me, they freak out. Without fail. I guess when they hear their boyfriend talk about a girl with a dumb name like 'Adri' they like to picture an overweight girl that is acne prone. ...Then they see me. And it gets all crazy up in this grill. 
For god's sake, if you want to keep your man safe, put a leash on him. But don't blame me ;)