Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ta ta twenty ten :)

On the final day of the year, I would love to say I did something completely amazing or fulfilled a long dreamt dream. But I didn't. It was just a normal day. I went shopping because it was the last day of the victoria's secret sale (I think..) but I am now a proud owner of a bright pink bombshell. For special uses only ;) I mean like dances of course. And I always swore that leopard print bras were too slutty for my taste, but after two malls and nothing that quite pleased my eye in my size, I succumbed to the desire to just get a new bra, and bought the leopard print. I'm so scandalous! And I am now a 32 C :) that's right, c cup. The size I've always dreamed of being :) I'll consider that the highlight of my entire year, because that was like a dream come true ;)
I was a loser and didn't go to a party on new years eve. That's so cliche. I stayed home and ran for about an hour :) and around mile three I started to think. And I think I'm going to do clip in hair extensions again (groundbreaking thoughts, I know) because my weave is damaging my hair too much. And at this rate, if I keep sewing them in, by the time my hair is the length that I want it to be, then I'll just have to chop it off. So ta ta weave :) hello forty five minutes doing my hair in the morning :| it will be so worth it though :) because by this time next year, my hair will be a tiny bit longer than my 18'' extensions :) Clip ins :) except for maybe sweethearts :) idk I'll figure everything out :)
Me and my mumma watched the time square special. I usually don't. But I wanted to see Ke$ha perform. My mom kept suggesting that she isn't very good live, but I still think she did amazing. I think it's her presence that makes it good. I can't wait to see the hair and makeup at her show :) :) :)
I feel stupid even feeling this way, but like the rest of the world, the beginning of the year always makes me think a little too much. New starts just always feel good. I'm not going to waste my time with resolutions though because we all know they never work. But this year, nothing is going to get me down. The only goal... ok resolution, I have is no more crying at school. That may be fine and dandy for some people. But I'm Adriana Perschon and I don't do that. This year I'm just going to be happy. Because nothing can possibly be worse than 2010. Only five more months until graduation, then I'll be free. This year is going to be the one that changes everything :) I feel pretty good about it at this point :)
It's gonna gotta be good.

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