Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Surprise surprise...

Yes... I'm aware of the fact that on monday I said I would do a nice long post on tuesday.. Well, it's wednesday. I don't have an explanation though, so I'll just say oops.
So going clear back to friday :) me and Tina had a sleepover that was quite fun. I like her family a lot. We did facials and painted our nails :) it was the girliest sleepover that I've had in a long time :) it was nice. I had fun with her. And her church ball game thing was even pretty entertaining to watch :)
On saturday I went out to Eagle mountain with Eric :) it was a grand time :) I had so much on my mind though so the entire way there I was almost, but not quite crying. It went well though. His mom and dad were pretty chill :) bahaha and that was the best hamburger ever :) It was a great time all in all :)
On sunday me and my daddy went and looked at cars :) bugs and mini's :) my dad's love for mini coopers in equivalent to my love of pink slug bugs :) 'Oh look a whole fleet of them!! Lets go take a look!'
Wow.. I don't remember too much of monday. I wore my scrubs all day. I went to subway :) and it was a really good sandwich :) aerobics was amazingly fun :) I love my little group :) we have a lot in common :) Eric came over after school and I cut his hair for him which is always an adventure :) then we went to the library and he checked out The Pact. He's reading it just for me, and it really does make me happy that he would do that for me :) then I went and got a happy meal with him :) He's rainbow dash the unicorn because he loves to fly :) And I'm pinky pie ;) (Dear Rainbow Dash, if you're reading this [which you should be..] I love you :)) Ben was supposed to break up with horse, but he didn't because he couldn't find the right time. I went to the gym and felt great :) I then went to sleep thinking peaceful thoughts :)
Yesterday was fabulous :) Robin and Kira set me up with a date for sweethearts :) I'm pretty excited :) :) Kercee did an updo on me to practice for the skills competition. She did amazingg! We're going to win this competition :) everyone made fun of me for wearing a shower cap outside, but it protected my amazing hair, then they were all jealous and singing a different tune ;) I got my jimmy falcon's pictures and they were absolutely adorable :) I love them a lot :) English was dull :) Eric came over again and we played the question game for almost an hour. Then he even came to young womens with me and my mom just so that he could watch me speak :) he was so nice to me :) He said the most adorable thing today :) 'I'm at work, but I just want to go home and read that book :)' So cute :)
Today was nice :) I was on dispense in cosmetology :/ mleh. I learned how to do laundry for the first time though. Then I proceeded to do three loads of it :| woof! In seminary we talked about some of the coolest things. Every time you feel the spirit or bear your testimony, you're being cleansed and forgiven a little. I thought that was the coolest thing. And the spirit and body are so connected that you can get physically exhausted from feeling the spirit for so long. That explains all the sunday naps and why you're tempted to fall asleep during general conference ;) aerobics was nice, but my feet hurt so bad, that I can't jump as much as I would like to. I have something special in mind for Robin. To show her how much I love her. Me and my dad went and looked at the most gorgeous car :) ahhh! But we're going to keep looking for a bit too :) Ben wore his 'Ben's Nikes' and looked like a total idiot ;)
Cop: 'Where were you going in such a hurry?'
'Oh we were going to the annual west valley police ball.'
'Police don't have balls!' Ehma :) Oh jessica :)
I hope I'm not missing anything important :) Road trip with Kercee this weekend :) :) :)

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