Thursday, January 20, 2011

It hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time.

Today was a really good day :) Kercee finally came to school :) as soon as I saw her car I seriously cheered :) JayLynn was like 'I've never seen a bug that color' Me: 'Kercee is here!!!' I'm so lame that I seriously ran to give her a hug :) I really love that girl :) she makes me insanely happy and she notices the craziest things about me :) I'm so excited for our road trip :) it's going to be so much fun!
'Nobody from my school texted me to see where I was. But every morning I woke up with a text from you. It really showed me who my true friends are' I love you so much, Kercee. I'm always going to be here for you. I'm so happy for you and Josh :) I can see how happy it makes you :) but don't forget about your hockey boys in new zealand ;)
The beauty supply lady came and talked to us at gti again and I could see that was when JayLynn really started to get excited about beauty school and it reminded me about how that's when I got excited too. I can tell she's nervous about making friends, because we're all so close. But I'm going to try really hard to get her feeling involved :) I just want her to feel the way I feel about cosmetology school :)
In seminary today, brother Sullivan asked me to talk, and I was so nervous, but I'm really glad that I did. People that I didn't even know told me thank you for what I said and it made me so thankful that sullivan asked me to speak. Because it made me feel important and qualified for my calling. Ben Martin even wrote my name next to the scripture I shared because he thought it was so cool. I'm so grateful for all of them. They made me feel amazing about myself.
Me and Tina talked to Aneeda for a little bit today, and when we left Tina told me how they used to be really good friends. And it got me to thinking about how many people I 'used to be really good friends with' it's so sad to think about that. But at least they were in my life for as long as they were. And that's enough I suppose.
Danielle told me about how awkward aerobics is for her because some of her old friends are in there. I can relate. Ohh how I can relate. I can't wait to get high school over with so I can move on with my life :) For some reason I always want to add 'and be famous' I don't know why, but I'm still childish enough to think that everyone will know my name.
I love my life :) :) :)

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