Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I gotta watch my back cause I'm not just anybody.

Today started out to be such a great day :)
I'm getting ready for prom already because it's only a month away and I'm way excited :) except for the library part. That's just stupid and I don't want to dance around books. And I wasn't the only one that asked if it was outside so it WASN'T a stupid question, Mitchell :)
There was a stupid substitute in english today that talked my ear off about history and politics. But the weird thing is that it started out because he was telling me about college so I have no idea how we got to the subject about illegal wars, but then I just left him with poor Mary and he continued to talk to her for the rest of the period. But I had a good time :) Sometimes you just need to gossip a little bit about stupid guys that force me to hug them. Even though I think he has a man crush on Triton. And I'm pretty sure you haven't had sex with 18 girls, you 300 pound swinger, you. You can stop lying now. And you can also stop apologizing to me that I'm mormon because funnily enough I specifically remember choosing that myself and remaining happy with that choice. So you can step down. STFUUU, child!!!! I force people to sit in corners.
I want chicken nuggets. Lets go get a sandwich. Oh nevermind the chicken nuggets are back :)
Ceramics=best class of my life! You know what Jeanie, I enjoy your sass. Aren't you glad you sat at this table? I guess.... What do you want the shirt off my back?! Awhhh, I just enjoy you guys.
I also enjoy plans that involve the excuse 'I went to see you and you weren't there. Then I had... Act prep!' It only took us like an hour to think of that :) Ily

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