Saturday, February 27, 2010

Babydoll, eat your heart out.

I cannot believe it. I cannot believe Drake would actually text yell at me! Like Woooooof! Hypocritical little beast! Back me up. Write a blog just for me, hubby (have you ever realized that I'm married to too many people?) :) Because I basically do for you everyday of my freaking life! Thank you for staying up with me last night. For a stupid reason like that I felt lonely. Nobody can reach out through texts the way that you and Skye do. And you aren't pushy and shovey about stupid things like other stupid people. Don't forget everything that you promised me because I know that I never will. We need to have a huge reunion where all the coltons come back and monotone and kaylee. Everyone. Do you remember last year when I thought you were a matchy-matchy-tool? With the nikes and the skinny jeans and the matching hats and the nonstop MATCHING! YOU ARE A GIRL, DRAKE! A full on GIRL! And no you don't even have big boobs :) I can't believe you are letting so much of your life go undocumented! Come one, one long blog, please? Pleaseee?
Im going on strike. I'm not gonna blog untill you do, Drake. And it has to be a good one.

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