Sunday, February 14, 2010

Darling, just hold my hand.

The thing about starting is that it's like a commitment.
And commitment scares me a little bit.
But starting is the hardest part. Then it's all just downhill.
Let me be the first one to voice that I really don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know what's going to happen. Or if it will be a good thing. Or even just a good thing in disguise. But I do know that as soon as we're in the right place it will work out eventually. And sometimes before we get to the right place we're going to shed some tears, scream our heads off, and even make mistakes. But we'll get to where we need to be when the time is right. I know, I get tired of waiting for it to happen too. This will happen though and the very best things in the world will come from this. Just believe me. All that me and you need to do is hold on to each other. To keep forming the triangle process that we have going on right now. Don't you dare budge even a little bit or I'll fall. And I promise in return that I won't move. Just live from day to day and I promise that I'll start understanding more. Have faith in me because I need to be needed.

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