Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer lovin

What's that, Jockstrap? I won? You LOST? Oh you let me win? Ok... rematch... What's that?! I won again?! ;) I'm so much better at hanging with friends than he is ;) WINNER! :)

Nathaniel is a spawn of the devil. He stole Ernie's rubber ducky! ...and now I want it.... you know, to make my bath time lots of fun.. BUT HE WON'T GIVE IT TO ME. This results in ransom notes ;)

Isn't that swim suit the cutest thing ever?! All bejeweled and business :) Idk why it looks like this is in black and white, but it's not... Crazy business :)

Sun, Boys, and growing up <3

(Lol, growing up? I just gloated about winning a game and then demanded a rubber duck. I'M SO ADULT RIGHT NOW!)

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