Friday, June 17, 2011

Hey little star, don't be afraid.

So there I am at work right? 'Thanks for coming in today!' (guy pauses at the door) 'That's what she said!' I laughed SO hard! Favorite customer so far!!! :) I worked for about nine hours today. It wasn't too bad in all honesty. Especially when they transfered me over to south towne to help them out. I really like it over there :)) The customers, the staff, everything is just so sweet :) Rebecca Springer came in today and I was just like 'Omg, I went out with your brother last night!' ;) it was fun seeing her! She's so freaking cute :) And CAMBRY came and saw me :)) I love her! I let her know that we formally changed 'torture you group' to 'torture you crew' ;) I saw her tattoo too :) it's so... her :) She'll protect me from the kill group! ;) Subway has my order memorized... that's embarrassing... I love that people come into victorias's secret and leave thinking we're friends and think that I'll remember them. I usually don't, but when they ask if I remember them, I lie and say yes ;) it was so cool though because I was in sales today and I just hear this lady and she's like 'Adri! Stop it! Stop!' So then I look and she's talking to her kid, so I'm like I must have heard wrong, that's such a dumb name... so I asked what her name is and she said 'Adriana' So I was like :o 'and you call her Adri??' so when she said yes, there I am 'THAT'S MY NAME!!!' :) I'm a nerd ;)
So me and my dad just went to this 'burn-out' car show. Where they just try to make a ton of smoke with their tires.. idk, it's hillbilly central, but he wanted to go and needed someone to go with, so I went :) and it was weird because I hate it when guys check me out in front of my father! I mean, that's my DAD, I'm sure he doesn't like it either! The weirdest part was when we were crossing the street and some guys were like 'Nice butt, girl' :| me and my dad were both silent and pretended we didn't hear it, but I know he did because he turned around to see who said it :| awkward! Every time me and my dad go somewhere just the two of us that requires driving that song 'daughters' by John Mayer always comes on. Every single time. I think that's me and his song or something!
It's been such a long day, I'm about to just drop dead!
Goodnight lovelies <3 xxxx

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