Saturday, June 4, 2011

Graduation :))

It was absolutely almost perfect :) I still feel like just a little kid though :) When we were sitting there we discussed Hercules... at our graduation we talked about HERCULES! You can't say that we're grown up. Especially not with all the dancing we did. Yeah, I can get down to the graduation march ;) and we tried to build a tent on my hat with my diploma, but it didn't work... when I couldn't find my parents, I whipped out my phone and texted them ;) 'Saying he looks like voldemort is definitely a worse insult than saying she looks like she has downs!!!' ;) Kathy's speech was absolutely fantastic :) the others were eh, and at least chanalyn didn't say too much to make us sound stupid ;) Mitchell was the best part of graduation. We hugged right before we went through the tunnel and inside and right as soon as we graduated. Me and my thirteen year long relationship with him made it. WE DID IT! And we did it while being our obnoxious selves the entire time. Our diplomas may have flown out of our hands a couple of times and bitten a couple of people ;) but that's the fun part! Walking wasn't even that cool, but a lot of people did laugh at me because I wasn't wearing shoes ;) the photographer and the principal got a pretty good kick out of it ;) 'I HAVE MORE CORDS THAN DIMITRI!!!!' The lady that handed me my diploma told me I must have worked really hard to get all those cords. I guess I did... but it doesn't feel like high school was all that hard... bahaha silly school ;) I loved how jacked up some of the names were ;) afterward was a joke. Trying to find people when they all looked a like was ridiculous! Eric found me and told me how skinny I am ;) mi gusta ;) it was kinda cool to have him come and see me just like how I went and saw him last year. Even though I TOTALLY cheered louder than him.... ;) When I was in line getting my diploma I didn't have service, so then when I finally did I had all these missed calls from Terance and Dixon and Drake :( I was so sad that I didn't see them at all :( Not even in the audience. I looked, but believe me, it's so hard to find people in that crowd. It took me and mitchell forever to find his parents. Surprisingly, I didn't cry at all at graduation. After I asked my mom if it was because it still hadn't hit me or if I just didn't care. I think I just don't care. I hated everyone at taylorsville except for Mitchell. And me and him are going to be friends forever so that's ok.
I'm a little sick now and it sucks :( I need to get better before tomorrow because that's when I start work :( I NEED to get better!
I'll do pictures later. Promise.

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